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News, 2012


12.12.2012 New Years Comes and Goes, But Health Stays Forever!

07.12.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development Organized an Environmental Lounge at the House of Journalists Devoted to Responsible Water Management

04.12.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development Presents Its Experience in Municipal Public Partnership Projects at a National Scientific and Practical Conference


23.11.2012 Small Business Development in Local Communities Program News

26.11.2012 Modern Information Technology Reaches Remote Areas in the Republic of Buryatia Thanks to a Project of the Fund for Sustainable Development

20.11.2012 The Projects of the Community Development Support Program Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) are Successfully Completed

07.11.2012 Alcoa Foundation Program Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development

2.11.2012 The III National Congress of Nonprofit Organizations was Held in Moscow


29.10. 2012 Representatives of the Fund for Sustainable Development share experience of their programs at the International Conference on Fundamental Problems of Sustainable Development in the System of Nature-Society-Man

25.10.2012 Citi Foundation and the Fund for Sustainable Development Launch a New Program in Ryazan Oblast - Small Business for Local Sustainable Development

12.10.2012 The Citi Foundation and Fund for Sustainable Development Provide Grants to Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas

11.10.2012 Outdoor Fitness in Belaya Kalitva


18.09.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development has become the Co-organizer of the Twelfth National Municipal Forum

15.09.2012 Samara volunteers joined the World Cleanup day «Let's do it!»


15.9.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development and the Citi Foundation Continue to Support Small Business Development
 A new program Small Business for Local Sustainable Development (2012-2013) has been launch in September 2012


19.07.2012 Svirsk Municipal Health Care and Educational Institutions Are Cutting Energy Costs


21.06.2012 Two New Fitness Grounds Were Opened in Schoolyards in Belaya Kalitva

19.06.2012 The round table Small Business and Sustainable Development: Best Practices was successfully held in St.Petersburg

04.06.2012 The latest results of the Responsible Management of Water Resources for Sustainable Development Program were presented
at the II International Conference “Water - Invaluable Legacy”

05.06.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) organized a round table at the Central House of Journalists entitled “Twenty Years After: Conservation Needs Reloading. Actionable Solutions for Sustainable Development”


30.05.2015 The kindergarten Forest Fairytale in the settlement of Dvurechensk now has a fairytale microclimate

24.05.0212 Responsible Water Management for Sustainable Development Program: Cara Wolinsky’s Visit to Samara

16.05.2012 The issue of government support of small businesses was discussed at a Small Business and Sustainable Development: Best Practices Round Table held at the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Legislative Assembly

15.05 2012 Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development Program (AlCOA Foundation – FSD)


24.04.2012 Team members of the Responsible Management of Water Resources for Sustainable Development Program took part in the XVI Scientific and Practical Conference “Sustainable Regional Development: Situations and Prospects”

23.04.2012 “Youth Votes for Health!” Program Announces Contest Results

12.04.2012 A new project of the Communities Development Support Program (CDSP-ICT) was launched in the city of Satka in Chelyabinsk Oblast

12.04.2012 Lake Baikal Region: Second Round CDSP ICT Program Projects are Launched

11.04.2012 Small Business Development in Local Communities Program

04.04.2012 The Fund for Sustainable Development Held a Round Table “Environmental Businesses as a Regional Sustainable Development Tool”

16.04.2012 A seminar “Water use standardization as a condition of sustainable water resources management. Phyto oily waste cleaning technologies” was successfully conducted in the city of Samara for representatives of the local business community


28. 03.12 The Fund for Sustainable Development presented its Promoting Sustainable Development in Russia Program at the RF Chamber of Commerce and Industry

15.03.12 Eleven CDSP-ICT Round 2 applications approved for funding


08.02.12 News from the Program “Responsible Management of Water Resources for Sustainable Development”

01.02.12 The project “Increasing heat supply efficiency in educational establishments of Sysert Urban District has been launched in the Ural region in the framework of the Community Development Support Program


20.01.12 The Program “Youth Votes for Health!” is Continuing in Belaya Kalitva

13.01.12 26th Webinar of FSD Regional Centers

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