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News, June 2012

Two New Fitness Grounds Were Opened in Schoolyards in Belaya Kalitva

V.Pavlov, general director of ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus, opens the fitness ground in School # 90

At the fitness ground opening ceremony in School # 90

A new fitness ground is opened in School # 5

At the opening of a fitness ground in School
# 5 – principal T.Karyavkina, and V.Pavlov, general director of ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus

On June 21, 2012, a fitness ground was opened in the yard of School # 5 under the Alcoa Foundation “Youth Votes for Health!” Program. The festivities that followed were joined by 150 community members of all ages, including the school’s teachers and students, the attendees of the neighboring Sports School # 2, residents, members of the local self-government committee of Nizhny Settlement and the staff of the Belokalitvensky Poultry Factory. ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus general director V.Pavlov and head of corporate relations department G.Alentyeva, as well as deputy heads of Belaya Kalitva Raion Administration V.Bodrov and E.Kerentseva and journalists were present at the opening ceremony.
On June 29, 2012, another fitness ground with outdoor machines was opened at the Belay Kalitva Cadet Cossack School # 90 located in Koksovskoye Settlement. This event gathered the students of the school, students of Middle School # 12, the staff of the settlement’s administration and local community center and community members. At the opening ceremony, the head of the Koksovskoye Settlement, V. Sumuilik, thanked Alcoa Company and Alcoa Foundation for its considerate attitude toward rural residents. The festivities included a concert of children attending creative centers and performances of Kalitvyanochka Cossack Choir and Koksovchanka Folklore Ensemble.
In September of this year, a Beauty and Health Day will be celebrated at School # 4 devoted to the official opening of the third fitness ground in Belaya Kalitva in 2012. Because of the location of this school, much attention has been focused on the local regional component: the project team met with representatives of the Ust-Belokalitvensky Cossack Yurt and partner organizations in preparing the autumn party.
A total of 5 fitness grounds fitted with new-generation outdoor fitness equipment have appeared in the city of Belaya Kalitva and Belaya Kalitva Raion in 2011-2012. These free outdoor gyms are open to all residents of the city and raion and are a gift from the international Alcoa Foundation and a part of the extensive long-term social responsibility program of Alcoa Company in Russia. Thanks to the effort of another participant in this program – the Fund for Sustainable Development (Moscow) – in 2012 the program “Youth Votes for Health!”  was included in the list of the “100 best healthy lifestyle formation practices among youth in Russia”. Belaya Kalitva is one of the country’s leaders in introducing new health promotion technologies for youth.
In the new school year, all partner schools will offer classes on the topic of Healthy Lifestyles that became winners of a special contests held by the Program in 2012. Both students and teachers are taking part in developing and disseminating new information, guidelines, presentations and animation films to advertise healthy lifestyles among all community members.

Seredina, training specialist at the Children’s Creativity Center in Belaya Kalitva

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