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News, November 2012

The Projects of the Community Development Support Program Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) are Successfully Completed

Three CDSP-ICT projects have been successfully completed in Lake Baikal Region. During site visits to these projects with the aim of summarizing the results of their activities, FSD projects managers met with project teams and local government officials to assess the prospects of developing energy-efficiency and information and communication technologies in Baikal Region. All three projects are contributing to the sustainable development of local communities, promoting an improvement of the quality of life of local residents and having good prospects for replicating project experience in other areas of the region.

Meeting with Mayor Ornoyev

Svirsk Deputy Mayor demonstrates the installed modems

FSD projects manager Elena Milanova is interviewed by local television

The control room was set up for recording energy consumption


Newly installed light-emitting-diode lamps in School # 1 in Turka

Solar collecting panels on the roof of Kindergarten # 14 in Shelekhov

A hot water tank was installed in the kitchen of the kindergarten


From energy-efficiency to development (transition to alternative sources of energy) (01/12/2011 – 30/11/2012)

This project implemented in Kindergarten # 14 included the installation of two solar water heaters Universal and a hot water tank that ensure an interrupted operation of the kitchen, which in turn, promotes the health of over 200 children and staff members.

As a result of this project, expenses for hot water have decreased by 30% (90,000 rubles a year), since 350 m3 of consumed hot water is heated by solar water heaters (by the number of sunny days Irkutsk Oblast matches Crimea and Northern Caucasus – the annual number of sunshine hours in the southern areas of the region reaches 2500).

As part of fulfilling one of the goals of this project - increasing awareness of adults and children of the community about the efficient use of energy resources ( the kindergarten is the pilot site of Irkutsk Teachers’ Institute) – the project team developed presentation materials “Energy Efficiency – Step by Step” that were placed on the websites of 8 schools of this district and are accessible to all high school students and teachers; and an online conference for the city’s high school students (joined by 400 students and teachers from 8 schools) on the same topic was also organized. 36 specialists attended a seminar for the staff of local kindergartens on energy-efficiency.


Replacement of incandescent lamps with light-emitting diodes in Lake Baikal shoreline villages (with the use of ICT to promote public participation and dissemination of experience)(01/12/2011 – 30/06/2012)

This project was carried out in School #1 in Turka, Pribaikalsky Raion, Republic of Buryatia. After consulting with the local Energy Inspection that had issued a statement to the school on the inadequate illumination in classes and other premises, the project team proposed 3 types of light-emitting diodes for different purposes: lamps, panels for the staffroom and library, and floodlights for the gym. The latter will be installed with additional funding that will be provided under the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Turka.

As a result of this project, 100 light-emitting diodes (15W each) were installed instead of incandescent lamps (deficient bulb sockets were also replaced with new ones), which significantly improved the quality of illumination in the school and made it possible to save electric energy. Nine light-emitting diode panels were installed in rooms where school meetings and events are held. In 2013, saved funds will be used, together with additional funding from the local administration, during the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Turka to hold a contest of social projects in support of energy efficiency and social programs in the community.

The results of the energy efficiency project will be further developed through the grant application “Switch to Sun - Live with Comfort” that was submitted to the contest “Building local capacity for domestic solar heating, hot water and insulation for rural and remote areas in the EEC region” under the program Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF - http://www.wecf.eu/images/logo/logo-2-293u.jpg).


Information and communication technologies (ICT) and regional events were used for disseminating information about the project and the importance of energy efficiency:

- electronic media: direct mail and website of the Podlemorye Public Association  (http://podlemorie.info), interregional website (http://ecodelo.org),  FSD electronic journal (www.fsdejournal.ru), and FSD energy efficiency webinar;

- workshop on small indigenous peoples of the Arctic in Baikal Region, meeting of the working group on the preparation of the US-Russia Civil Society Partnership Program, and Buryatia president Nagovitsyn’s site visit to the project;

- creation of the Baikal Harbor Tourist and Recreation Special Economic Zone in Turka.


Automation of energy resources metering devices in Svirsk social institutions (01/12/2011 – 31/05/2012)

This project installed an information and measuring system in a specially designated control room intended to service local social institutions (health complex and community center) and neighboring residential buildings, which made it possible to receive online information on energy consumption and to adjust spending of over 3,000 local residents.

The control room was provided by the city administration and it is equipped with a computer, server and all necessary communication devices. The equipment was assembled and installed by the specialized firm Avtomatika. It is expected that 500, 000 rub. will be saved every year on energy consumption, utilities payments and meter maintenance.

Svirsk Charitable Community Development Fund, Rassvet Management Company LLC, and Zhilkomservice LLC conducted 3 training seminars for city organizations and residents involved in the project devoted to the rules of using the services of the control room.  In May, energy savings and raised funds were used for organizing a contest of social projects “Svirsk – City of the Future” aimed at supporting community initiatives of further promoting energy efficiency practices.

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