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News. June 2012

The round table Small Business and Sustainable Development: Best Practices was successfully held in St.Petersburg

Oleg Fokin, FSD executive director, speaks about what non-profit organizations in Russia are capable of achieving for sustainable development and, specifically, about the programs of FSD

N.Smirnova, chair of the Committee for Small and Middle-Sized Businesses at Leningradskaya Oblast Government, acquaints the audience with measures of government support to small and middle-sized businesses

The round table organized by the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) and the regional branch of the national public organization Business Russia from Leningradskaya Oblast on June 19, 2012, was devoted to the issue of government support of small and middle-sized businesses. The over forty participants in this event represented small and middle-sized businesses of Leningradskaya Oblast, the NGO OPORA Russia, North-Eastern Women’s Association, the Committee for Small and Middle-Sized Businesses at Leningradskaya Oblast Government, business support centers and the media.

During the discussion of the topic “Is it easy to start a business in modern Russia? What do entrepreneurs think about this?” the participants tried to answer these questions and spoke about the current mechanisms of supporting businesses; and owners of business shared their experience.

The round table took place right before the international conference on sustainable development that was held in Rio de Janeiro on June 20-22, 2012. 

In this context, the participants in the round table raised such questions as the development of environmentally and socially oriented businesses that tangibly contribute to community sustainable development. It is of note that many practical accomplishments in the area of transferring to sustainable development are taking place not on a global or national level, but on a local, community level. That is where energy and water resources are saved and where hazardous impacts on ecosystems are reduced. Oleg Fokin, FSD executive director, spoke about what non-profit organizations in Russia are capable of achieving for sustainable development and, specifically, about the programs of FSD. The audience was acquainted with the brochure “Small Business and Sustainable Development in Russia: Best Practices” that includes case histories of environmentally and socially oriented businesses. It was published under the joint program with Citi Foundation. Over 50 examples of successful businesses were collected from all over Russia (from 16 regions of the country), of which 29 were selected for publication in accordance with 9 priority areas:

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