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News. December 2012

The Fund for Sustainable Development Organized an Environmental Lounge at the House of Journalists Devoted to Responsible Water Management

On December seven, at the Central House of Journalists, professionals, scientists and entrepreneurs concerned with water use and related issues, joined a round table discussion “Water as the Key Element of Sustainable Development: Worsening of the Global Deficit of Fresh Water and Topical Water Management Issues in Russia”

The discussed questions included “The Domestic and Global Future of Water. Aggravation of the Global Fresh Water Shortage”, which was the subject of the presentation made by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I.Danilov-Danilyan and director of the RAS Institute of Water Problems. He spoke about the lack of understanding of the dreadful implications of a freshwater crisis. Our unsparing and thoughtless attitudes to water may be only explained by the plentitude of water resources in Russia (as well as by the seeming abundance of other natural wealth). We are sure that problems with water do not concern us. Nevertheless, it has become clear that we will not be able to keep out of this problem, and for this reason water resources have become subject to government management, because this global problem cannot be addressed by either private initiative or local measures.

All presenters spoke about the need to form responsible attitudes to water resources among officials, the business community, professionals and citizens, while two representatives of the Russian Association of Water Supply and Water Disposal, president S.Kharamenkov and executive director E.Dovlatova, gave special priority to this issue.

The presentation made by P.Popov from the non-profit partnership Hydropower Industry of Russia may be summarized as “local actions for global challenges”. He spoke about environmental problems facing the hydropower industry and the ways and means of addressing them; and about the interaction of this industry with regions, municipalities and the public – a topic to which probably a separate workshop could have been devoted.

The discussion took a turn toward an interesting direction during the presentation of V.Rubin, chair of the Board of Directors of CJSC SIBICO International, from general trends and development prospects of the market of water use services and technology to such specific questions as the development of the “water” market and option of reflecting this process through exhibition activities. He also spoke about the results of one of the major water forums “Water: Ecology and Technology 2012” and described the possibilities and areas of work of a relevant forum and exhibition.

Of special interest at the round table was the presentation of Responsible Water Management for Sustainable Development Program as an example of successful practical experience in counteracting global water challenges on a local level. They key goals of this three-year program announced in January 2011 and carried out by FSD in partnership with ALCOA Foundation are the following: 1) promoting environmentally responsible attitudes to water resources on a federal, regional and municipal level; and 2) changing public attitudes to water resources.

The participants in the round table were faced by the anything but simple task of dealing, within this one event, with a broad range of global water supply issues in the context of the water resources complex of Russia. All presenters were clear in citing concrete examples and affirming that water has already become a matter of concern for Russia and that the time has come to stop hoping for miracles.

To summarize the results of the round table we would once again like to define its main messages and conclusions:

The participants agreed that each of them should start acting at their respective levels: someone deciding practical questions related to drinking water supply in the Russian Federation; and others by promoting the formation of environmentally responsible attitudes to water among government officials and owners of businesses.
It is strongly advisable that practical projects similar to the program initiated by the ALCOA Foundation receive due attention and support and that the business community has a chance to more actively become involved in their implementation.

The participants in the round table expressed their hope that precisely businesses make will make it possible to expand the range of such projects by attracting their partners.

There is a need in an ongoing increase of public awareness about the value of water resources – this request of the participants in the round table was directed to journalists accredited at the event.
“Water is Life!” We should remember this and save water not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.


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