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News, November 2012

Modern Information Technology Reaches Remote Areas in the Republic of Buryatia Thanks to a Project of the Fund for Sustainable Development

Wireless interment equipment is being installed

Assembly of solar batteries at Mishikha

A presentation of the project by the staff of the reserve

The project Utilization of New Information and Energy Efficiency Technologies in Remote Settlements of Buryatia is being carried out by the Baikalsky Biosphere Reserve in Tankhoiskoye Municipality located in Kabansky Raion of the Republic of Buryatia.

In partnership with the Fund for Sustainable Development, wireless internet equipment is being installed at the visitor center of the reserve and in the international volunteers’ camp. This will provide stable internet access for the residents and guests of the villages Tankhoi, Pereemnaya, Kedrovaya, Vydrinaya and Mishikha.

At the remote outpost Mishikha, where an environmental and tourist center Baikalskaya Bird Tagging Station is being built, the installation of solar batteries is almost completed. These renewable sources of energy will not only ensure an uninterrupted power supply and effective research work at the station, but will help to further develop environmental education tourism. Tourists watch birds at the Mishikha River site and also in the wildlife sanctuary Kabansky located in the estuary of Selenga River, which is a wetland of international importance in accordance with the Ramsar Convention.

The information and communication component of the project is being actively implemented: project information has been placed on the Internet site of the reserve and Kabansky Raion Administration; and a series of practical seminars was conducted for local residents on the use of internet and the importance of alternative sources of energy. This effort is directed toward increasing awareness about project results and disseminating them in other areas of Baikal Region.

The project will successfully resolve such key issues as the need in accessible internet connection for the staff of the Baikalsky Biosphere Reserve and the local community of the buffer zone and guaranteed electricity supply in areas lacking centralized power supply. This will promote the improvement of the quality of life and increase employment in the community and give a new impetus to the development of ecotourism and the infrastructure of tourist services in remote areas in Buryatia.

The director of the Baikalsky Biosphere Reserve, Vasily Sutula, plays an important role in project management by thoroughly considering all matters related to the project and helping to raise additional resources. A team of FSD experts who monitored project fulfillment expresses their appreciation to Mr. Sutula for his diligent attitude to the project and assistance in monitoring its results.


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