News, July 2014.

Preparation of the XIV National Municipal Forum Has Begun

Brief overview


State Government Administration University, Academy of Social Governance, Russian Municipal Academy, the Fund for Sustainable Development, national local-self government journal Municipal Government, journal Municipal Herald of Russia.

Supported by:

State Duma Committee for the Federal Structure and Local Self-Government


Anapa (Vityazevo)

Krasnodar Krai


September 22-26, 2014


  • Plenary meeting “Local Self-Government in Russia: Further Development or Repeating Past Experiences?
  • Scientific and practical conference “Municipal Governance: Areas, Methods and Technologies of Increasing Efficiency”;
  • Round tables, master-classes, professional training.

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News, June 2014.

A new sports ground for the youth of Belaya Kalitva is another gift of ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus to the city

A new multifunctional sports complex has been opened at the Rowing Center of Sports School # 2. It may be attended by everyone concerned about personal fitness. This is yet another facility built with the Alcoa Foundation funding under the program “Youth Votes for Health!” that is aimed at promoting healthy life styles among youth in Belaya Kalitva. This project has been implemented since 2011 by the Fund for Sustainable Development and with support from ZAO Alcoa Metallurg Rus. During this time, nine outdoor sports complexes have been  installed in the city.

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News, June 2014.

The Fund for Sustainable Development Participated in the Seminar “Practical Improvement of Energy-Efficiency”

Along with Russian and Finnish experts, officials and Finnish businesses, FSD  staff took part in the seminar “Practical Measures to Increase Energy Efficiency” held on June 10, 2014, at the Embassy of Finland in Moscow.

The presentations were devoted to topical issues related to energy and resource saving and the best practices in this area achieved in Finland and Russia. The participants noted an interest on the part of Russian regions in proposals of Finnish companies aimed at preserving the environment, energy and resources.

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News, May 2014.

FSD Participation in the Living Volga Program

In 2014, FSD took part in the Live Volga Program that is being conducted since 2006 by the UNESCO Moscow Bureau and Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia. For this program, FSD has developed a board game Living Volga Brain Ring intended for children and youth and containing questions about the environment, flora, fauna, sustainable development and the green economy of the Volga River basin.


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News, March 2014.

FSD Successfully Organized a School of Territorial Public Self-Governance (TOS) for Moscow Region Leaders

The School took place on March 17-24, 2014 at the Nakhabino Moscow Regional Training Center and its curriculum combined both theoretical and practical studies on the legal framework and organizational support to public self-governance and the role of its activists as public leaders. The training also included a presentation by a participant from Nizhny Novgorod, where the 20th anniversary of TOS was celebrated in 2014; a role-playing session; and a round table “Territorial Public Self-Governance: a Resource of Strategic Community Development”. 

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News, February 2014.

Round Table Discussion of the Project Support to Territorial Public Self-Governance (TOS) as an Effective Instrument of Developing Public Participation

On February 14, 2014, The Department for the Development of Territorial Public Self-Governance at the Nizhny Novgorod City Duma in partnership with the Fund for Sustainable Development organized a round table on the subject of “Territorial Public Self-Governance as an Effective Instrument of Developing Public Participation”.

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News, February 2014.

Main results of the Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development Program were presented at GreenBiz Forum

On February, 18 Fund for Sustainable Development  (FSD)  participated at GreenBiz Forum 2014 (Scottsdale, AZ ), that  brings together partnership between GreenBiz Group, The Sustainability Consortium, and the Global Institute of Sustainability at ASU to give attendees an unparalleled in-depth look at the key challenges and opportunities facing sustainable business today.

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News, January 2014.

“Yard Fitness” is Gaining Popularity in Belaya Kalitva

The Alcoa Foundation funded program Youth Votes for Health! that has become popular among the residents of the city and raion of Belaya Kalitva will be continued in 2014 with support from Alcoa Metallurg Rus and the Fund for Sustainable Development.

The new phase of the Program was officially launched on January 10, 2014, at a kick-off seminar held at the local Children’s Creativity Center. At the end of this month, a contest will be announced for the best proposals for upgrading the existing outdoor fitness grounds in the city.

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News, December 2013.

We congratulate our partners on the receipt of their award!

We extend our congratulations to Larisa Strukova, director of the FSD Ural Regional Support Center and director of the Center of Environmental Education and Information, Yekaterinburg, on the receipt of a Letter of Gratitude from the Center for her active participation in volunteer activities of environmental NGOs in Sverdlovskaya Oblast in 2013.

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News, December 2013.

Summarizing the results of the Green School Project implemented in September-December 2013 by the Fund for Sustainable Development with support from ExxonMobil Russia, Inc.

On December 20, 2013, at the Soil Sciences Museum of Moscow State University, the activists of the Green School Project (implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development from September through December 2013 in seven Moscow schools with financial support from ExxonMobil Russia Inc.) were awarded prizes.

The goal of this project was to teach schoolchildren positive attitudes to the natural environment and resources and foster environmental thinking among the younger generation based on an understanding of the importance of strategic approaches to environmental protection.

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News, December 2013.

Small businesses founded under the Small Business for Sustainable Development Program have formed the foundation of interactive museum complex Kolomensky Bazaar

On November 29, 2013, a new project “KOLOMYANKA – from the Past to Present: New Vision of Our City’s Past!” was presented in the city of Kolomna, Moscow Oblast, at the community center Dom Ozerova.

This project was initiated by the Kolomyanka Young Designer Support Studio that was created as a result of FSD’s Small Business for Sustainable Development Program carried out in Kolomna. One of the key areas of the Studio is to promote eco fashions – apparel and accessories made of natural organic fabrics, such as linen, cotton, hemp, wool, silk, nettles, corn and bamboo.

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News, December 2013.

The Fund for Sustainable Development was the co-organizer of a scientific and practical conference Public Administration, Local Self-Government and Municipal Governance: Results of the Anniversary Year, Challenges and Prospects

In 2013, three notable local self-government events were celebrated in Russia: the 20th anniversary of the country’s Constitution; the 15th anniversary of the European Charter of Local Self-Government; and the 10th anniversary of the Russian Federation Law # 131 “On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”.

On December 11, 2013, a scientific and practical conference Public Administration, Local Self-Government and Municipal Governance: Results of the Anniversary Year, Challenges and Prospects took place at the Social Administration Academy.

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News, November 2013.

A Healthy Youth Life Style is Formed in Belaya Kalitva

Under the program Youth Votes for Health! managed by the Fund for Sustainable Development and funded by the Alcoa Foundation, 8 outdoor fitness grounds with 82 pieces of exercise equipment have been built in Belaya Kalitva city and raion during the past three years. They have become part of the every-day life of most of local schoolchildren. In addition, all community members, including students, teachers, parents and senior citizens, now have a unique possibility to improve their health free of charge.

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News, November 2013.

Green School Project: a series of webinars on resource saving and environmental improvement in school and at home have been conducted for 5-10 grade students of seven Moscow schools

In October-November 2013, under the project Green School that is being implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development with financial support from ExxonMobil, environmental specialists facilitated webinars devoted to a whole range of aspects related to resource saving and environmental improvement in school and at home for students of 5-10 grades attending Moscow partner schools.

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News, November 2013.

The participants in the program Small Business for Sustainable Development share their experience with young entrepreneurs

On November 6, 2013, grantees of the Citi Foundation program Small Business for Sustainable Development managed by the Fund for Sustainable Development in 2012-2013 in Ryazan Oblast, spoke to 47 young prospective business owners, the competitors in the new regional enrollment in the Young Entrepreneur School, who presented their business ideas and were planning to open small business or expand existing ones in 2014.

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News, October 2013.

The results of activities carried out under the Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development Program were presented at the “Water Resources: the Dangers and the Potential for Threat Forecasting, Management and Prevention” National Scientific Conference

From October 7 to October 12, 2013, Prof. E.Venetsianov and postgraduate student G.Zvesdenkova from the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Water Problems, the key participants in the Program, presented a report at the national scientific conference “Water Resources: the Dangers and the Potential for Threat Forecasting, Management and Prevention” that was held in Maisky settlement in Tuapse raion, Krasnodar. The report, entitled “Environmental-Economic and Organizational-Legal Challenges of Transferring to a System of Regulating Water Quality on the Basis of the Best Available Technology” was devoted to the transition from water quality standardization “at the end of the pipe” to regulating production processes that are the real sources of pollution.

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News, October 2013.

The “Youth Votes for Health!” Program sponsors a seminar “Speaking about Health: Jokingly and Seriously” at the Children’s Creative Center in Belaya Kalitva

In the course of the past seven years, the Children’s Creativity Center has been the coordination center and first pilot site of the Program that is aimed at introducing innovative health technologies promoting youth development and advertising healthy life styles. The seminar was joined by FSD projects manager E.Bondarchuk, project coordinators I.Seredina and E. Kisileva, 13 teachers and 2 fitness. Elena Bondarchuk, who opened the meeting, informed the audience that in 2012, 3 fitness grounds equipped with 27 outdoor machines were opened in Belaya Kalitva Raion under the Program.

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News, September 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development was one of the organizers of the XII RUSSIA MUNICIPAL FORUM

The other organizers of the Forum were the State University of Management, the Russia Municipal Academy, the Fund for Sustainable Development, and the Student Scientific Society of the Academy.

This event was timed to the anniversary of three keynote regulations in the sphere of local self-government: the 10th anniversary of Federal LAW # 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”; the 15th anniversary of the ratification by Russia of the “European Charter of Local Self-Government”; and the 20th anniversary of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation. The participants included government and local-self government officials, educators, scientists, representatives of consulting and non-profit organizations and other stakeholders.

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News, August 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development Becomes a Winner in a NGO Grant Contest

FSD’s project “Support to territorial public self-governance as an effective instrument of developing public participation” has become one of the winners of this contest, with the Institute for Civil Society Issues acting as its operator. The award of 2,300,000 rubles will be used for project activities that will start in November 2013 in partnership with the Moscow Region Community Council Association.

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News, July 2013

The practical implementation of projects targeted toward small business development in Ryazan Oblast and Kolomensky Raion, Moscow Oblast, is continuing under the Small Business for Sustainable Development Program of the Citi Foundation and the Fund for Sustainable Development

Ten winners in the contest of best business plans who have received funding for starting and developing their own small businesses have presented to FSD information on the first results of their projects. Thus, in Ryazan Oblast, the first successes have been scored by such efforts as setting up farms and landscaping in the cities of Ryazan and Kasimov. In Kolomensky Raion, a project of improving the Osminozhki Children’s Center was successfully completed, while the activities of projects aimed at developing the local tourism infrastructure are continuing.

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News, June 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development organized a round table “Best Community Resources Saving Practices in Finland and in the Russian Federation”

This event took place in Moscow on June 18, 2013 at the Finnish Embassy in the Russian Federation. It was joined by Russian and Finnish experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and professionals concerned with the subject of responsible nature management and resource saving.

The comprehensive and competent discussion was based on presentations describing the experience of concrete projects, whose successes are  confirmed by figures and indicators. Thus, Ruslan Butovsky (FSD) spoke about 8 programs that included 200 projects carried out in 60 municipalities of Russia from 2005 to 2013.

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News, June 2013

FSD Experts Take Part in the 11th Annual International Conference “Public Administration: the Russian Federation in the Modern World”

The Conference took place in Moscow from May 30 through June 1, 2013, at the Shuvalovsky Building at Lomonosov Moscow State University. It was opened by rector Sadovnychy, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Organizing Committee. This event was attended by over 1,000 participants and included 8 sections:

-  “20 years of educating, training and retraining personnel for public administration: the experience and challenges for higher school”
Chairperson: Professor V.A. Nikonov, Dean, School of Public Administration (Lomonosov Moscow State University); Associate Chairman, International Affairs Committee, State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly.

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News, June 2013

10 years later or looking at some results…

The Environmental Encyclopedia is the first of its kind not only in Russia but internationally. It encompasses the entire specter of environmental issues.

This reference and information publication reflects the whole range of notions, terms and categories directly or indirectly related to environmental segments of special sciences (biology, geography, geology, hydrology, meteorology, economics, sociology, political sciences, etc.), to conservation and environmental security.

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News, May 2013

Belaya Kalitva has something to share with CIS member-states in the area of encouraging healthy lifestyles among youth

On May 23, 2013, under the Alcoa Foundation program “Youth Votes for Health!” a new outdoor fitness ground was opened in School # 2. It is the sixth of its kind in the city and raion of Belaya Kalitva that have become a part of everyday life for local schoolchildren, their teachers, parents and adults.

The opening ceremony was attended by the school’s students, teachers, administration, representatives of the Education Department of Belaya Kalitva Raion Administration, journalists, the chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth N.N.Shulkin, head of corporate relations of CJSC Alcoa Metallurg Rus G.N.Alentyeva, and a representative of the Fund for Sustainable Development, a non-profit organization and a long-time partner of Alcoa Foundation in implementing corporate social responsibility programs.

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News, May 2013

School of Youth Entrepreneurship “Start Your Own Business”

The School of Youth Entrepreneurship was opened in December 2012 at the Kasimovsky Business Support Center Foundation and Business Incubator and with support from the KGOOP United Kasimov under a joint Citi Foundation and FSD program. Training is conducted jointly with FSD based on an education program developed by the Russian Microfinance Center “A Course of Financial Literacy for First-Time Entrepreneurs”.

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News, April 2013

Training Seminar “Innovation in Baikalsky Reserve”

The goal of this seminar held on April 25, 2013, was to acquaint community members and the staff of the reserve with the results of an FSD project of the Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies.

This project, “Introduction of Best Energy-Efficiency Community Practices” was carried out at the infrastructure of Baikalsky Reserve and involved installing wireless internet equipment at the Central Visitor Center in Tankhoi Settlement and at the international volunteer camp.  As a result, residents and visitors now have guaranteed internet access that is provided by the installed wireless local network based on Wi-Fi (WLAN).

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News, April 2013

A series of training seminars for industrial ecologists and students was organized under the FSD program Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development

In the first quarter of 2013, a series of training seminars for industrial ecologists and students was held in Samara Oblast within the framework of the program of the Fund for Sustainable Development and Alcoa Foundation “Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development”. The seminars were organized by the Education Center of Ecology and Safety and its partners.

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News, April 2013

The Fund for Sustainable Development Participates in the Summit of Positive Change Forum/Exhibition of Socially Oriented Nonprofit Organizations (SONKO) in the Central Federal District (CFD)

The exhibition and forum took place on April 12, 2013 at the RF Chamber of Trade and Industry. The goal of this event was to demonstrate the contribution of third sector organizations to public life and the work they are doing in the social sector; and also to promote multi-sector cooperation in addressing social issues. The interactive format of the exposition provided a comprehensive account of the variety of SONKO projects carried out in CFD and also facilitated a functional sharing of successful experience acquired in social projects among NGOs, government and business. The full concept of the forum/exhibition is presented at the websites  and  www.âûñòàâêà-ôîðóì.ÐÔ.

Organizer: National Public Health Development Fund. Number of presented projects – over 600.

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News, April 2013

Citi Foundation and FSD Small Business Development Grant Contest Completed

Project proposals for this contest, held under the program Small Business for Sustainable Development, were submitted by applicants from Ryazan and Moscow oblasts who have undergone training organized by the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) and the Russian Microfinance Center.

A total of 25 proposals developed by the attendees of this training were  presented for the final phase of the contest: 15 from Ryazan Oblast and 10 from Kolomensky Raion in Moscow Oblast.

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News, March 2013

A Seminar “Methods of Achieving Responsible Water Management” was Conducted at Samara State Technical University

On March 18, 2013, a seminar on waste water treatment attended by 27 students was organized at Samara State Technical University (SamGTU) under the program Responsible Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development carried out by the Fund for Sustainable Development (Moscow) and the Alcoa Foundation.

The seminar was devoted to three key issues: the need to introduce rational water use practices in the region; the shortage of professionals employed in the field of designing, developing and implementing industrial sewage treatment technologies; and sharing and disseminating information about the latest developments in this field.

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News, February 2013

On February 2, 2013, a round table was held in the city of Kolomna under the Small Business for Sustainable Development Program

On February 2, 2013, a round table to discuss the results of the first phase of regional small business development trainings was carried out as part of a the Citi Foundation and the Fund for Sustainable Development program Small Business for Sustainable Development (2012-2013).

The round table was organized by one of FSD’s partners, the Koloman Branch of the RF Chamber of Trade and Industry. The participants in the training presented their business plans for a grant contest organized under the Citi Foundation program.

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News, February 2013

Sixteen young entrepreneurs from the city of Ryazan and Ryazan Oblast became grant applicants

The second phase of the Citi Foundation and the Fund for Sustainable Development “Small Business for Sustainable Development Project” has been successfully completed. The Project is being carried out in collaboration with the Ryazan Oblast Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Trainers, graduates of the Start Your Own Business Training Course conducted by the staff of the Russian Microfinance Center, trained 180 first time entrepreneurs from the city of Ryazan and Kasimovsky, Sasovsky, Pronsky, Skopinsky and Ryazhsky raions of the region  in the fundamentals of starting and operating a small business. At the end of the training, the attendees developed 60 business plans of which 32 were submitted for a regional contest of awards that will be provided by the Project.

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News, January 2013

In 2012, the Ural Regional Center (URC) of the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) has become the second winner of the regional contest of social projects

The Ural Regional Center (URC) of the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) has been active in Yekaterinburg since 1997 at the Center for Ecological Education and Information. During recent years, thanks to its close collaboration with FSD in carrying out programs and projects in the Ural Region, the Ural Regional Center, as other FSD Regional Centers, has turned into a resource center in the Urals – an NGO widely known in the region, having a multitude of partners, participating in many public activities and actively working with many funds and foundations.

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