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Targeted Program
Replicating results of the targeted program for improving drinking water quality in the settlements along Amur river in Khabarovskiy Krai (Amur Initiative – Phase 2)

Program Start: February 10, 2009.

Targeted Program "Amur Initiative" – Phase 2 booklet

Targeted Program "Amur Initiative" – Phase 1 booklet

Program news:

Grant Competition Announcement  (February 2009 г)

Amur Initiative Phase 2 projects have been approved at the Fund for Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Working group meeting. (April 2009)

Second Phase of Amur Initiative was launched in Khabarovskiy Krai (June 2009)

Amur Initiative Phase 2 delivers first practical results for rural citizens (September 2009)

The Amur Initiative seminar in Khabarovsk demonstrated significant results of the program (November 2009)

USAID delegation visited Amur Initiative projects
(March, 2010)

Amur Initiative Phase 3 projects have been approved at the Fund for Sustainable Development Consulting Committee Working group meeting. (July, 2010)

«The Amur Initiative Program has granted
access to clean drinking water to
thousands of inhabitants of riverside settlements
who were compelled to use
river water badly contaminated by a host
of toxicants.»

A. Levintal,
Deputy Chairman of Khabarovsk Krai
Government – Minister of Economic
Development and External Relations
(from March 2009,
Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative
of the RF President in the Russian Far
East Administrative District)


The quality of drinking water in settlements located along the Amur River in Khabarovsk Krai is the most critical problem facing this region. The continuing contamination of this key waterway both from the Chinese side and by reviving industrial plants of the Russian side calls for a set of measures to provide local small riverside communities with reliable sources of clean water. However, local governments lack adequate resources for implementing these measures in full. After the tragic events at the chemical factory in Tziline (Northern China), all the accumulated problems have taken their toll.

The targeted program “Organization of the public monitoring system and improving drinking water quality in the settlements along Amur river in Khabarovsk Krai” (Amur Initiative), which is the structural component of the Community Development Support Program in Russia, was implemented in 2007 by the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) with support from the Untied States Agency for International Development (USAID) following a request from Khabarovsk Krai Government. A grant competition of targeted projects became the main mechanism of the Amur Initiative Program. The key goal of this Program is to organize operative monitoring and to improve the quality of drinking water in small settlements located on the banks of Amur River, whose water is being disastrously polluted.

In the course of Phase 1 of this Program carried out in 2008 in settlements located on the banks of Amur River, the following was achieved as a result of projects selected on a competitive basis:

The Program, which is funded by USAID and government agencies of Khabarovsk Krai, is managed by the Fund for Sustainable Development in partnership with:

During Phase 1 of the targeted program, FSD transferred $ 149 860 allocated by USAID to five organizations for implementing concrete practical projects on the banks of Amur River. The average grant amount was $29 972. Another $90,000 for this effort came from budgets of various levels and still another $50,000 was donated by local businesses (fish processing and tourist) interested in the availability of new water sources.

The Program was a success and this is confirmed by many letters of gratitude received from regional and local government agencies, businesses and citizens.

Considering the strong interest displayed by communities in this Program, in 2009 the Fund for Sustainable Development began work on its second phase “Replicating the results of the targeted program for improving drinking water quality in the settlements along Amur River in Khabarovsk Krai (Amur Initiative – Phase 2)”

The priority mechanisms of the Program that make it possible to successfully achieve all project goals are the following:

  1. Partnerships. Riverside municipalities, businesses, NGOs and citizens are involved in the Program.
  2. Ongoing monitoring. The Program Administrator and donor represnetaitves keep track of project progress on a regular basis.
  3. Project sustainability. Sustainability and a potential for development after the end of funding from the Amur Initiative Program should be obviously demonstrated at the stage of project design.
  4. Cost-sharing. To be awarded technical assistance, the applicants must raise at least the same amount of matching funds from other sources.

Statistics of Amur Initiative Program – Phase 2 (Second Contest)

Project proposals submitted  to the contest    

8 projects

Project proposals approved for funding by the Advisory Committee

7 projects

Total cost of funded projects

$170 813

Total amount allocated for the second contest

$79 350

Total grantee contributions and other sources

$91 463

Average grant amount

$11 336

Project “Water Quality for Life Quality” (Public monitoring of Amur River water quality by local rural communities)


Khabarovsk Regional Division of the All-Russia Nature Protection Society, a national public organization

Type of organization


Start date: May 1, 2009

End date: November 30, 2009

Municipality Profile

Project activities will be carried out in five municipalities located along Amur River, which differ in the degree of economic development and the size of the population.

Except for Khabarovsky and partially Komsomolsky raions, the population of riverside settlements depends, mainly, on fishing. These settlements are characterized by a high level of unemployment and almost complete depletion of the utilities services, including water supply.

This badly affects the health of local residents in conditions of inadequate medical services.

Project summary

This project will help to organize a system of public monitoring of water quality in the key water source (Amur River) and also of the quality of drinking and service water under the targeted program “Amur Initiative – Phase 2”. Rural residents will be trained to conduct water quality express-tests.

Location of replication

7 settlements located along Amur River.

Project coordinator – Vladimir Sidorov, deputy chairman of the presidium

Contact information

164-315 Prospekt Shestidesyatiletiya Oktyabrya, Khabarovsk 680014, tel. (4212) 62-65-69, fax: (4212) 30-84-16, e-mail: voop@mail.ru

Final results:

• Survey of 8 water sources is performed. Also 4 water samples from surface waters with using express-laboratory kits of the Khabarovskiy Krai division of the All-Russian Society for Nature Protection is performed. Active rural citizens and student research group were involved in this activity.

• All activities within “Amur Initiative – Phase 2” was widely covered in the mass media. Over 5 publications in the regional newspapers were prepared.

• Partnerships among environmental NGOs of the region, citizens and controlling agencies

to ensure on-going monitoring and early response to Amur contamination are formed.

Project amount   $6000                      Grantee contribution   $3000-           Requested amount   $3000

Project “Clean and good water for the community” (Supplying clean water from alternative sources to the residents of Krasnorechenskoye, Roshchino and Korsakovo settlements in Khabarovsky raion)


Osinovorechenskoye Inter-municipal Society LLC

Type of organization

Municipal enterprise

Start date: June 2009

End date: September 30, 2009

Municipality Profile

The settlements of Korsakovo, Roshchino and Krasnorechenskoye are situated not far from Khabarovsk and many city dwellers have summer houses in these settlements. The greatest challenge is the lack of clean drinking water, especially in summer. This makes future economic development, which largely depends of water sources, quite problematic in this area.

Project summary

This project involves cleaning and repairing water wells ## 30-204, 30-199 and 1391 at the local water inlet with the use of the airlift technique.

Location of replication

Khabarovsky raion, Khabarovsk krai

Project coordinator – Vladimir Masukov, deputy director for production

Contact information

27 Amurskaya St., Osiniovaya Rechka settlement, Khabarovsky raion, Khabarovsk krai 680572, tel. (4212) 49-48-53, fax: (4212) 49-48-95, e-mail: 000605@yandex.ru.

Final results:

Project amount   $28835.31    Grantee contribution   $14485.12       Requested amount   $14350.19

Project «Good Quality Water for Each Resident of Ommi settlement” (Modernization of the water purification system in Ommi settlement, Amursky raion)


Administration of Ommi settlement, Amursky raion, Khabarovsk krai

Type of organization


Start date: May 1, 2009

End date: September 30, 2009

Municipality Profile

Ommi is a settlement of indigenous peoples: Nanai, Orochi, Ulchi and Yakuts, who have always been using water from the arms of Amur River that have become severely polluted during the last decade. According to a statement of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, in 2000 the Amur’s water was rated unsuitable for drinking without purification. Thus, the only accessible water source is the water well in the settlement, which is not equipped with a water purification system and does not meet sanitary standards. Local residents use primitive purification techniques like settling water in jars or mechanical filtering. This results in a growth of gastrointestinal illnesses and alimentary toxication.

Project summary

This project will produce, install and adjust devices at the water well for water clarification and bactericidal treatment. A water storage tank will also be installed at the well.

Location of replication

Ommi settlement, Amursky raion, Khabarovsk krai

Project coordinator Svetlana Yevstifyeva, part-time worker

Contact information:

1B Tsentralnaya St., Amursky raion, Khabarovsk krai 682651, e-mail: evstifeevas@rambler.ru.

Final results:

Project amount   $40000         Grantee contribution   $20000                       Requested amount   $20000

Project «Overhaul of a water supply well with a replacement of the wellcasing in Pivan settlement, Komsomolsky raion”


Administration of Pivan settlement

Type of organization


Start date: June 1, 2009

End date: September 30, 2009

Municipality Profile

Pivan settlement is situated on the right bank of Amur River in the watershed of Sovkhozny Creek. The environmental situation of the local water inlet depends on the condition of the water in the river (with which the water-bearing horizon that feeds the inlet is hydrologically connected) and also on the intensiveness of agricultural activities, the number of cattle and the operation of the quarry, brick factory and railroad facilities. The local water well has become worn out and its water does not meet sanitary and hygiene standards. Moreover, because of the decrease of the well’s water yield, both the population and local town-forming industrial plants are experiencing a drastic shortage of water, which is supplied irregularly.

Project summary

This project will clean the existing water well (depth – 120 m) in Pivan settlement and will replace its casing.

Location of replication

Pivan settlement, Komsomolsky raion

Project coordinator – Elena Buravitsina, head of Pivan Rural Municipality

Contact information

30 Sovgavanskoye Shosse, Pivan settlement, Komsomolsky raion, Khabarovsk krai 681070, tel./fax (4217) 56-53-16, e-mail: pivan.sa@local.raion.kms.ru

Final results:

Project amount   $40 000        Grantee contribution   $20 000                      Requested amount   $20 000

Project “Clean Water” (arrangement of an uninterrupted delivery of clean drinking water to Yelabuga settlement in Khabarovsky raion)


Administration of Yelabuga settlement

Type of organization


Start date: May 1, 2009

End date: September 30, 2009.

Municipality Profile

The population of Yelabuga settlement is 642 persons, half of whom are pensioners, and for this category it is a big problem to provide themselves with an adequate amount of drinking water during the warm season. Water is delivered to the settlement by private entrepreneurs and one barrel (200 cubic m) costs 35 rubles, however, in summer, when the need in water increases many-fold, this price becomes unaffordable.

Project summary

This project will provide the residents of the settlement with a water supply that meets their elementary needs by assembling and installing a water pipeline from the water-pumping well of the local school along the following streets: Tsentralnaya, Lesnaya, Amurskaya, Shkolnaya and Pereulok Klubny. The well’s yield is sufficient for building and using the pipeline.

Location of replication

Yelabuga settlement, Khabarovsky raion

Project coordinator – Elena Nelubina, Yelabuga Community Center

Contact information

1Novaya St., Yelabuga settlement, Khabarovsky raion, Khabarovsk krai 680527, tel. (4212) 49-15-16, fax: (4212) 49-13-16

Final results:

Project amount   $14000         Grantee contribution   $7000  Requested amount   $7000

Project “Clean Water for Health” (Modernization of the water disinfection system at the water purification station in Elban settlement, Amursky raion)


Water and Sewage LLC

Type of organization


Start date: May 1, 2009

End date: August 31, 2009

Municipality Profile

Elban, an urban settlement with a population of 13,400, whose average age is 45 years old, is situated in Amursky raion of Khabarovsk krai. Although the settlement is not located directly on the bank of Amur River, its residents use water from water-bearing horizons that are hydrologically connected with the river. The existing water disinfection systems are ineffective and consume excess amounts of electricity.

Project summary

This project will replace the electrolysis facilities that are being used since 1970 (Index EN 25 and specific consumption – 10 kW/h) with modern ones (GPKhN 24-100, UEGPKhN 15-75x2 with a 2.7 kW/h power intake); install new electrolysis tanks; and renovate the rooms with the electrolysis plants (at the cost of own funds).

Location of replication

Elban Urban settlement, Amursky raion, Khabarovsk krai

Contact information

26a Vtoroi mikroraion, Elban settlement, Amursky raion, Khabarovsk krai 682610, tel. (42142) 41-00-4, e-mail: uprjkx@pochta.ru

Project coordinator – Natalya Pestsova, environmental engineer

Final results:

Project amount   $41978         Grantee contribution   $21978                       Requested amount   $20000

Project “Good Quality Water for Each Resident of Mayak Settlement of Nanaisky Municipal Raion”


Municipal Unitary Company of the Heat and Energy Complex

Type of organization


Start date: June 1, 2009

End date: August 1, 2009

Municipality Profile 

The settlement was founded in 1921. 
Population – 1,831 persons. 

Project summary

The priority goal of this project is to provide the residents of Mayak with clean and safe water that meets sanitary standards SanPiN 2 Project activities include flushing out two artesian wells in the settlement and monitoring the organoleptic properties of the supplied water after the end of this work. The airlift technique of cleaning wells will be used in this project, as well as the experience of Vostokburvod LLC acquired in the process of its operation in the populated centers of Vyatskoye, Mayak, Priamursky, Urgal and Khabarovsk.


Location of replication

Mayak settlement, Nanaisky Municipal District

Project coordinator Alexander Prilutsky, director

Contact information:

2 Sorok Let Pobedy Oktyabrya St, Troitskoye settlement, Nanaisky raion, Khabarovsk krai 682350,  tel./fax (42156), 4-14-45, e-mail: mup_tek@trk.kht.ru

Final results:

Project amount   $15000                     Grantee contribution $5000               Requested amount $5000

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