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Project News:
 January, 2009   February, 2009   August, 2009   September, 2009

Project Male Health Culture (medical, social, organizational. cultural and educational aspects of male health as a factor of national security)

This project was fulfilled in 2009 in collaboration with the Bashkiria State Medical University (Ufa) and regional consultants from partner organizations: Center of Ecological Education and Information (Yekaterinburg), Dront Ecological Center (Nizhny Novgorod) and Buryatia Center of Public Organizations (Buryatia Regional Association on Lake Baikal, Ulan-Ude).

Project activities were devoted to promoting male health risk management through a large-scale public education effort that included a whole range of communications, educational and practical measures to protect and preserve male health; the formation of a positive image  of a man in society; enhancing the prestige and status of fatherhood;  and developing approaches to overcoming the masculinity crisis in Russia.

A survey and physical examinations were conducted among a target group of 140 men at a pilot site in Ufa. Doctors and medical students from Bashkiria State Medical University work at the  Crisis Management Center for Men and operate a special hot line that were opened in the framework of the project.

Two workshops were organized in Moscow and Ufa for specialists in this field.

To more broadly advertise healthy life styles among the male population and involve the young generation in health management, an information Website - Male Health Protection - was created at www.malehealth.ru and a “Booklet for Young Men” and a brochure “The ABCs of Male Health” were printed in 2,000 copies and disseminated and a video spot with a social advertisement on this subject was produced.

In September 2009, a  telebridge connecting six cities of Russia - Ulan-Ude, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and Novosibirsk- was held with the participation of over 60 health care specialists (urologists, andrologists, psychologists, sex therapists and gynecologists), professionals from family development and reproductive health centers, teachers and students of medical schools and representatives of NGOs. The discussion focused on the results of research in the field of male health in the respective regions.

Nearly 10,000 people in dozens of cities became acquainted with the project thanks to activities carried out under the auspices of the National Health League: Health Wave Advertising Campaign (August 2009); the Second National Exhibition of NGOs in Russia entitled Civil Society: Advertising Healthy Life Styles, Protecting the Population and the Environment (January 2009); and the Health of the Nation National Forum (September 2009).


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