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August 2009

The Fund for Sustainable Development Supports the Health Wave Communications and Health Improvement Action Conducted under the Slogans “Russia without Tobacco”, “Alcohol-Free Russia” and “Society against Drugs”

Participants in the Health Wave in Petrozavodsk

The action was sponsored by the National Health League, an all-Russia public organization, which is a partner of the Fund for Sustainable Development in implementing the project Male Health Culture.

The Health Wave took place from August 13 through August 24 in the cities of Moscow, St.Petersburg, Uglich, Petrozavodsk, Cherepovets, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod and was supported by:

• RF Ministry of Public Health and Social Development
• RF Ministry of Education and Science
• RF Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy
• RF Public Chamber
• Moscow City Government

The goals of this effort included:

The Health Wave included press conferences, round tables, conferences, discussions, lectures and seminars with the participation of officials from federal and regional government, members of the organizational committee, sponsors, participants and guests. The key purpose of these events was to lay a foundation for effectual interaction between government, NGOs and business in such spheres as public health, education, mass athletic programs and culture.

On August 14, in the city of Uglich, a round table discussion Social Partnerships for Sustainable Community Development (FSD) was held with the participation of the Fund for Sustainable Development. This event was attended by representatives of the Uglich Municipal District Administration, local public organizations, the mass media and businesses.

The participants in the discussion presented FSD experience and a manual “Best Practices” with descriptions of examples of community multi-sector cooperation from projects that were carried out by this organization in various regions of Russia under the Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation.

The participants in the Health Wave  presented the results of their projects that were fulfilled in accordance with Presidential Decree # 192-rp of April 14, 2008. In particular, on August 20, the project Male Health Culture, which is being implemented by FSD in collaboration with Bashkiria State University, was presented by the project’s scientific consultant, S.Galimov M.D.

A training course Social Investment and Social Partnerships as a Means of Raising Living Standards and Improving the Quality of Life was organized for the participants in the Health Wave.

On August 19, 2009, a conference Effective Social Investment and Social Partnerships as a Factor of National Health Protection was held in St.Petersburg in the framework of the Health Wave. The conference was attended by representatives of public, charitable and non-profit organizations, government and local-self government officials, university teachers, entrepreneurs and journalists.

The conference demonstrated the fact that NGOs are an important element of civil society capable of addressing socially significant issues as efficiently as organizations of other types. However, there still remain unsolved issues that impair the effectiveness of NGO activities and the strengthening of the NGO system as a full-fledged component of civil society. These issues include, in particular: an insufficient legal framework regulating NGO activities; underdeveloped organizations that prove methodological support regarding organizational and legal issues and coordination among NGOs, government and business; and lack of NGO financial support mechanisms that provide minimum resources needed for their sustainable functioning.

Along with certain progress, the process of developing multi-sector interaction in the Russian Federation is being hindered by its fragmentary nature. The current legal environment and conditions for the development of civic social responsibility are still inconsistent with NGO practice and do not contribute to the sustainability and development of these organizations.

S.Galimov M.D., scientific consultant of the project Male Health Protection at an exhibition of medical equipment at the Effective Social Investment and Social Partnerships as a Factor of National Health Protection Conference held in St.Petersburg on August 19, 2009 in the framework of the national Health Wave At a round table held on August 14 in Uglich with the participation of the Fund for Sustainable Development and joined by municipal officials and representatives of NGOs, the mass media and businesses of Uglichsky District. M.Klarin, Ph.D., management consultant, academic director of the Social Projects Management Center and the facilitator of the round table, introduces its participants
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