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Project title: "Warmth and Kindness."  Project news : December, 2005   April 2006

Kindergarten # 14, a municipal preschool educational establishment
Profile of organization
Start date : September 1, 2006                                                   End date : June 30, 2006
Project summary
This project will carry out a series of activities aimed at reducing disease rates among children by modernizing existing and installing new heat and energy saving equipment in the kindergarten; and will administer traditional alternative medicine remedies stimulating the immune system (herbal beverages, aromatherapy, and phyto design).
Shelekhov, Shelekhovsky Raion
Anticipated results
The furnace in the building of the kindergarten will be modernized, new radiators and a heating meter will be installed; energy consumption will be reduced; 30,000 rubles of municipal budget funds will be saved; 16 windows (65 sq.m) will be modernized; 6 olds entrance doors will be replaced with new ones; 6 warm-air feed units will be acquired; 5 air heat shields will be installed; an aromatherapy room will be set up (for 140 children taking 2 therapy courses a years); a phyto therapy course will be conducted (for 140 children and 25 staff members during 8 months); energy-saving guidelines for children and parents will be published (100 copies); a training seminar will be held for 45 principals of local educational devoted to energy-saving techniques; a children’s costume parade along the city’s streets will be organized to advertise the need to save energy; 3 articles about the project will be printed in the local press; a video film “How to Improve Child Health Through Heat and Energy Savings Techniques and Natural Remedies that Activate Resistance to Diseases” will be created; a Web page advertising project results will be added as a link to the Web page of Shelekhov Administration (Sheladm.ru).
As a result of this project, air temperature in the kindergarten during winter will increase; less days will be missed due to illness by one child (from 26 to 10-15 days); the rating of this kindergarten among the other municipal educational institutions of the city will increase; municipal budget funds used for covering utility services will be reduced and the saved moneys will be spent for improving the kindergarten.

Total budget $ 22 000  Grantee contribution$ 2 000 Grant $20 000

Project Outcomes (September 2006)

Organization: Alyonka Kindergarten # 14, a municipal preschool educational institution

This project is aimed at improving energy-efficiency in the kindergarten to protect and improve the health of children who attend it. Project activities included installing 24 insulating glass units; winterizing old windows; putting in 6 new doors and a warm entrance door with air heat shields; repairing the heating unit and installing a heating meter.


As a result of this project, energy spending was lowered and 30,000 rubles of municipal budget funds were saved; the average rate of respiratory diseases among the children was dropped from 26 to 11 days per 1 child a year. The project was broadly covered in the mass media. Brochures on how to educate children in energy-saving and general environmental culture were published. A special aromatherapy room was organized (where 140 children undergo 2 courses of treatment a year); 140 children and 25 employees underwent an 8-month course of phytotherapy; and an energy-efficiency training seminar for 45 heads of local educational institutions was held. Alyonka Kindergarten is one of the first in the ratings of the city and raion kindergartens


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