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Project title: "Mother and Child".  Project news : December, 2005  April, 2006

Shelekhov Central District Maternity Hospital
Profile of organization
Start date : September 1, 2005                                                  End date : June 30, 2006
Project summary
This project will install an artificial respiration unit in the local maternity hospital for optimizing normal and complicated deliveries; train medical personnel to operate the new equipment; improve the quality of medical services; form a universal computer base of the local medical network; organize a hot line; provide psychological support to women after abortion or miscarriage; and offer consultations on such topics as family planning, women’s health, protection of reproductive health, infectious diseases, etc.
Shelekhov, Shelekhovsky Raion
Anticipated results
As a result of this project, complicated deliveries will be reduced from 34% to 70%; 1,500-1,800 consultations will be provided (psychological support to women, family planning, AIDS prevention, and protection of women’s reproductive health); 4 round table discussions and 24 seminars will be held on project topics; 144 physical therapy sessions and 600 educational sessions will be conducted for expectant mothers; 700 copies of brochures will be written and printed on such questions as infectious diseases, caring for newborn infants, pregnancy, and family planning; a patient data base will be formed; 2 articles will be published in the newspaper Shelekhovsky Vestnik and Shelekhovskaya Panorama; project activities and results will be covered in 4-6 radio and television shows, pieces and interviews; and 100 guidelines reflecting project results will be printed.

Total budget $ 38 702  Grantee contribution$ 18 702 Grant $20 000

Project Outcomes (September 2006)

Organization: Shelekhov Central Raion Hospital, a municipal institution

This project acquired and put into operation patient monitors and an artificial respiration unit for the obstetric department of the hospital.


As a result, the conditions of the stay in hospital of maternity patients and newborns have improved significantly and the rate of complicated deliveries dropped by 60-70%. Consultations  (1,500) were conducted for women on such subjects as protection of women’s reproductive health, family planning, pregnancy, and AIDS prevention); as well as physical therapy lessons (145) for expectant mothers. The medical staff of the hospital is undergoing advanced training and is also being instructed in the use of new technology. Project activities include improving the overall quality of medical services.
The project was broadly covered in the mass media: 24 articles were printed in the local press, and 6 radio and television pieces and interviews were devoted to the project and its results. One hundred copies of guidelines on project results were published.


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