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Project news "Mother and Child".December 2005

A project aimed at improving maternity patients’ health, preventing diseases of the reproductive system, and reducing the number of complicated deliveries is now actively implemented at the Central District Hospital in the city of Shelekhov.
During the first three months of this project, it has developed and introduced a computerized program for monitoring gynecology and pregnant patients; and refurbished the building of the local maternity obstetric service to which it added an individual labor ward, mother and child wards, and created conditions for partner childbirth.

Artificial pulmonary ventilation devices for newborns and adults were also acquired under this project.

There is also a physical therapy room and a swimming pool for expectant mothers. Project activities included a training seminar “Listening to Each Other” that was sponsored jointly with the Fund “Healthy Russia” and  a scientific/practical conference “Unresolved Issues of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neonatology, and Pediatrics”

The project published a “Manual on Breast Feeding”, “The ABC of Understanding Each Other” and “Psychological Tests”

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