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Grant Competition Announcement

“Organization of the public monitoring system and improving drinking water quality in the settlements along Amur river in Khabarovskiy Krai” (“Amur Initiative”).

Program Start: 15 February, 2007.
Program duration: 12 months.

Program description, Application form and Application preparation and submission manual  (in Russian) ( amur-2007.zip 612 Kb ).

Russia is separated from China by Amur River for several thousand kilometers. Wastewater treatment stations of numerous Chinese cities and industrial giants in the river basin operate far below minimum acceptable level of standards. This results in catastrophic pollution of the Amur river. Such situation is traditionally ignored by Chinese authorities and businesses. The long-term issue of ongoing pollution as well as frequent and normally unreported and concealed spills and catastrophes in Chinese enterprises like one in Tzylin last year, systemically increases pollution level in Amur river which is the main source of drinking water for many Far Eastern cities and settlements.
The main aim of the Program: Drinking water quality improvement and operative monitoring in the settlements along Amur river.

Several practical steps achieve this aim are proposed:

The program is funded by USAID and Khabarovskiy Krai authorities. It is administered by FSD in partnership with Khabarovskiy Krai Charity NGO “Zelyonyi Dom”; Ministry for Economic Development of Khabarovskiy Krai; Department for Environmental Protection, Regional Ministry for Nature Resources; Regional Center for Environmental Monitoring (structural part of Department for Environmental Protection); Local Self-Governance Authorities along Amur and regional NGO’s.
As a result of the program Earmonitoring system for water quality control in Amur river will be organized; Effective cooperation of local and regional authorities, research institutions and NGO’s for solving the issues of drinking water management will be established; at least four settlements on the banks of Amur river in Khabarovskiy Krai (ca 4 000 people) will get access to safe and high quality drinking water. This will result in improving public health and have significant economic impact due to elimination of direct and indirect economic losses. Lessons learned will be replicated in the neighboring settlements using local funds.
All interested eligible organizations are invited to participate in the grant competition. Program description, Application form and Application preparation and submission manual  (in Russian) can be found on FSD’s website.

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