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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation

Project Complex

Valaam – Our Common Home

Grant amount $61 655   Grantee contribution $37 437   Total amount $99 092

List of thematic projects included in the complex:

Municipality Profile

Valaam Island is located 40 km from the city of Sortavala and is part of Sortavala Municipality. The population of Sortavala is nearly 21,400 people, of whom 400 live on Valaam. On this island stands the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Russian Orthodox Stavropigialny Monastery, the northern patriarchate of the Patriarch of All Russia. Project activities are aimed at the population of both Sortavala and Valaam.


Municipal problems addressed by the project complex

The problems of this municipality are related to  inadequate energy efficiency at municipal facilities; solid waste management; public participation in regional development; infrastructure; public health improvement; unification of the island’s organizations to form a common cultural and educational environment; organization of tourism activities; involving tourists in conservation activities; and low level of community leaders’ capacity to promote social partnerships, resolve conflicts, carry out projects, raise funds for development programs, and form public-private partnerships.

Project complex goals

Project complex contact

Vladimir Shishkin, headmaster of Valaam General Education School

Contact Information

4 Tsentralnaya St., General Education School, Valaam Settlement, Sortavalsky Raion, Republic of Karelia 186756;  tel.: 88143038211;
fax 88143038211; e-mail: Schvalaam@onego.ru

Organizations – members of the project complex consortium




Sortavala Municipal Administration


Overall guidance of the municipality

Valaam General Education School, a municipal educational institution of Sortavala Municipality


Educational activities

Kindergarten  # 15, a municipal child-care and educational institution in Valaam Settlement  


Child-care and educational activities

St.Petersburg State University


Educational and research activities

Project period (months)


Start date

05/01/ 2007

End date



Modernization of Street Lighting

Sortavala Municipal Administration
Type of organization
Start date: May 1, 2007
End date
: April 30, 2008
Project summary
This project will replace old street lighting lamps with new environmentally safe and energy-efficient ones in the city of Sortavala in accordance with the approved City Street Lighting Improvement Program.  Energy savings from the Modernization of Street Lighting Project will be reinvested in social programs intended for Valaam Island.
Contact information
6 Vyainemyainena St., Sortavala, Republic of Karelia 186790
tel./fax: 8 81430 2-52-00/2-52-01 e-mail: Sortavala_admin@onego.ru

Project coordinator – Nikolai Zayats, head of Sortavala Municipal Administration

Project goals and anticipated results

Project goals:

Anticipated results:

Total project amount $ 35 000     Grantee contribution   $10 000    Grant amount $25 000


Valaam Pottery Workshop

Valaam General Education School, a municipal educational institution in Sortavala Municipality
Type of organization
Start date: May 1, 2007
End date
:  February 28, 2008
Project summary
This project will set up a pottery workshop as the basis of a cultural and educational project “The History of One Valaam Clay Pot”; acquire and install equipment for the workshop; organize a school museum and carry out exhibition and educational activities; and acquire exhibition equipment.
Valaam Settlement
Contact information

4 Tsentralnaya St., General Education School, Valaam Settlement, Sortavalsky Raion, Republic of Karelia 186756; tel. 88143038211; fax 88143038201

Project coordinatorVladimir Shishkin, headmaster

Project goals and anticipated results

Project goals:

Anticipated results

Total project amount $ 8 280       Grantee contribution $ 0        Grant amount $8 280


Green Island Environmental Site

Valaam General Education School, a municipal educational institution in Sortavala Municipality
Type of organization
Start date: May 1, 2007
End date
: February 28, 2008
Project summary
Building a tourist base camp.
Creating and cleaning a network of excursion and patrolling routes.
Creating a pilot school garden and a tree nursery.
Delivering lectures and conducting excursions to natural landscapes and historical monuments.
Valaam Settlement

Contact information
4 Tsentralnaya St., General Education School, Valaam Settlement, Sortavalsky Raion, Republic of Karelia 186756; tel. 88143038211; fax 88143038201

Project coordinator– Dmitry Salenko, chief forest officer of Valaam Forestry

Project goals and anticipated results

Project goals:

Anticipated results

Total project amount $ 8 610       Grantee contribution $ 1 500      Grant amount $7 110



Kindergarten # 15, a pre-school education municipal institution, Valaam Settlement, Sortavala Municipality, Republic of Karelia
Type of organization
Start date: May 1, 2007.
End date
: November 30, 2007
Project summary
This project will build a playground for pre-schoolers and elementary school pupils; develop a set of activities and game guidelines for the playground; and create a natural history element of the project.
Valaam Settlement
Contact information:1 Tsentralnaya St., Valaam Island, Sortavala, Republic of Karelia 186756; tel.: 8 81340-38-178/38-262
Project coordinator – Olga Golubtsova, kindergarten headmaster

Project goals and anticipated results

Project goals :

Anticipated results:

Total project amount $ 6 000       Grantee contribution   $ 0        Grant amount   $6 000


Sustainable Development Leadership School

Kindergarten # 15, a pre-school education municipal institution, Valaam Settlement, Sortavala Municipality, Republic of Karelia
Type of organization
Start date: May 1, 2007
End date: April 30, 2008
Project summary
This project will organize a Sustainable Development Leadership School intended for various sectors of Valaam Island’s community, including local officials and entrepreneurs, and consisting of three 3-day seminars on the practical implementation of a sustainable development plan and a 2-week youth environmental camp with the participation of local schoolchildren and volunteers – students of St.Petersburg State University.
Valaam Settlement
Contact information 7/9 University Embankment, St.Petersburg, tel. /fax:8 (812) 328-4159/328-3568; e-mail: sdp-spsu@yandex.ru
Project coordinator – Svetlana Chernikova, vice-dean of the Geography and Geoecology Department

Project goals and anticipated results

 Project goals:

Anticipated results:

Total project amount  $ 41 203     Grantee contribution  $ 25 938       Grant amount  $15 265

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