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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation

Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation, Round 5

The Program is carried out in the Russian Far East, Lake Baikal Region, and Northern Caucasus and in some other regions of Russia with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has provided a total of $5.65 million for the period from 2006 through 2009.

The Program is aimed at assisting communities in addressing environmental, economic and social problems, and consists of the following core components:

The Primary Program Goal is to design and disseminate both innovative and proven models of sustainable community development across the Russian Federation.

Key Program Objectives:

Grant funding decisions are passed by the Program’s Advisory Committee founded to ensure transparency and equal opportunities for all organizations participating in grant contests. The main functions of the Advisory Committee are to approve funding for grant proposals, which have previously been reviewed by experts, and to oversee the targeted use of the Program’s grant funds.

Four grant rounds have already been completed under the Program, during which 28 consortiums (92 projects) were funded for a total of $1, 622, 191, with the average grant amount being $17,633.

Round 5 is aimed at facilitating a modernization of social services facilities including educational, cultural and public health institutions to ensure sustainable local community development. Priority project areas of this round include the following:

The Program facilitates:

CDSP Round 5 Statistics

Total number of submitted proposals

20 Projects

Approved for funding by the Advisory Committee

6 Projects

Total cost of funded projects

$162 047

Amount allocated for the fifth contest

$117 391

Grantee contributions and funds from other sources

$44 656

Average grant amount

$19 656

Program Management:

Fund for Sustainable Development

14 Gubkina St., Office 73; POB 85

Moscow 117312

Tel.: 7(495)7480552; fax: 7(495)7480553

E-mail: ofokin@iscmoscow.ru; info@fund-sd.ru  www.rund.sd-ru

Fifth Contest Projects


Improvement of infection control activities at the in-patient clinic of Adygeya Regional Clinical TB Dispensary

Requested amount $20 000

Grantee and other contributions $1 600

Total cost $21 600

The successful activities of Adygeya Regional Clinical TB Dispensary are a result of close interaction between this medical institution and the leadership of the Republic of Adygeya, which is paying special attention to problems facing the phthisiology service and is providing all possible assistance. At the same time, insufficient financing from the regional budget does not allow to provide proper conditions for the effective work of the dispensary. The leadership of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Adygeya is interested in implementing this project on cost-sharing principles, which should improve the situation with infection control at the in-patient clinic of the dispensary.

Project summary:

This project is aimed at improving conditions for TB patients staying at the Adygeya Clinical TB Dispensary and upgrading existing infection control measures. Project activities include replacing old windows in the first and second in-patient departments and the pharmacy and installing new doors in the second in-patient department. The leadership of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Adygeya is interested in implementing this project on cost-sharing principles, which improved the situation with infection control at the in-patient clinic of the dispensary.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Eduard Potokov, deputy chief physician

Contact information:

278 Komsomolskaya St., Maikop, Republic of Adygeya fax 8 (8772) 523868, e-mail koh05@rambler.ru





Adygeya Regional Clinical TB Dispensary


The dispensary is the only specialized medical TB institution in the Republic of Adygeya that has all required structural divisions

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



Installation of shower cabins in TB departments of health care institutions in the Republic of Chechnya

Requested amount $ 19 422

Grantee and other contributions $  674

Total cost $ 20 096

The military actions that took place in the Republic of Chechnya have caused much damage to medical facilities. Today, many health care institutions of this republic lack proper sanitary conditions for TB patients. Of greatest concern in this respect is the situation in 5 administrative raions: Shalinsky, Urus-Martanovsky, Achkhoi-Martanovsky, Gudermessky and Nadterechny, in which the TB rate is the highest.

Project summary:

Improving sanitary and hygiene conditions in TB departments of 5 hospitals in five raions of the Republic of Chechnya by installing shower cabins. This measure made it possible to reduce contacts between patients and members of their families and the community on the whole. As a result of the Project, the spreading of TB infection has been noticeably reduced.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Tamirlan Soltagireyev, head of Technical Projects Department

Contact information:

59 A.Kadyrova Prospekt, office 1, Grozny, Republic of Chechnya 364051,
tel. 8 (928) 8917397, fax 8 (8712) 294500, e-mail ric.07@bk.ru, s.tamirlan@bluewin.ch





Information Resource Center, a regional public organization


Assistance to regional development in the Republic of Chechnya through supporting the most vulnerable categories of the population

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



From energy-efficiency – to better conditions in the TB dispensary in Selenginskoye (Republic of Buryatia) (Improving hospital conditions and increasing the quality of services provided by tuberculosis medical institutions)

Requested amount $19 980

Grantee and other contributions $5 589

Total cost $25 569

Selenginskoye urban settlement, which has a population of 15,900 and is the largest settlement in Kabansky Raion, is located on the left bank of Selenga River. The local pulp and carton factory, which is the local key employer, pollutes the environment and emits large amounts of hazardous matter to the atmosphere, which increases the risk of lung diseases. The rates of disorders caused by poor social and living conditions, including tuberculosis, are growing, while government funding provided to health care institutions is decreasing.

Project summary:

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Olga Myznikova, director of Bereg Non-Profit Partnership

Contact information:

6 Zarechnaya St., Kabansk, Kabansky Raion, Republic of Buryatia 671200, tel. 8 (30138) 40497,
fax 8 (30138) 40497, e-mail bereg77@mail.ru





Bereg Non-Profit Partnership


Assistance to the implementation of economic models aimed at promoting sustainable community development in Lake Baikal Region. Development of environmental education.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



Modernization of the heat supply system in a kindergarten in Svirsk, Irkutsk Oblast, for children with tubercular intoxication and inactive cases of tuberculosis (Improving conditions for children in TB risk groups attending kindergarten)

Requested amount $17 989

Grantee and other contributions $11 594

Total cost $29 583

The city of Svirsk with a population of 14,700 is located at a distance of 150 km from Irkutsk on the left bank of the Angara River. It is characterized by a high level of environmental pollution that affects upper respiratory tracts, especially in children, and has the highest rate of tuberculosis among the other cities of Irkutsk Oblast (the TB disease and mortality rates in Svirsk are twice as higher than the average national rates).

Project summary:

Heat saving, improving children’s health and disseminating experience at Kindergarten # 33, where the furnace, 27 windows and 3 entrance doors will be replaced with new ones and  hot water and heating meters will be installed. Health improvement equipment will also be installed (children’s exercise machines, ionizers and a portable quartz lamp). At educational seminars that will be held under the project, experience gained in energy-saving and health improvement will be presented to the city’s municipal institutions (kindergartens, schools, cultural establishments and youth and sports centers).

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Marina Zmanovskaya, director

Contact information:

9-24 Lenina St., Svirsk, Irkutsk Oblast, 665420, tel. 8(39573) 21521,
fax 8 (39573) 21175, e-mail bfms@svirsk.ru





Svirsk Local Community Philanthropic Fund


Support and development of civic initiatives in the following areas:

  • social protection, youth policy, childcare, conservation and culture;
  • landscaping in city areas and environmental protection;
  • creative and athletic recreation activities for children and adolescents.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



Reduction of TB disease rate, more efficient early detection, and improved prevention measures among socially disadvantaged rural population(Modernization of rural health care institutions in Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai)

Requested amount $20 000

Grantee and other contributions $2 799

Total cost $22 799


Vyazemsky Raion in Khabarovsk Krai with a population of 6,400 (not counting the population in the city of Vyazemsky) is located in the South of Khabarovsk Krai along the Ussuri River on the best arable grounds of the region. However, after the large local state farms were shut down, the majority of community members have lost their jobs. This resulted in a drop of real incomes and, consequently, in health deterioration, especially among children. In 2008, in Vyazemsky Raion 54 newly diagnosed patients were registered at the local TB dispensary. There are now a total of 181 TB patients in this community, all of whom are in need of specialized medical treatment. Of these, 21 persons have contagious cases. As many as 98 children with TB infection are registered at the local children’s outpatient clinic.

Project summary:

Project activities include TB prevention measures in pre-school institutions; improving children’s health; motivating more frequent visits of community members to local health care centers; increasing population coverage and ensuring better TB detection; bringing the infrastructure of medical and educational institutions in conformity with modern sanitary and technical requirements; and saving energy resources.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Olga Ivleva, acting chief physician.

Contact information:

7 Tsentralnaya St., Krasitskoye settlement, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682941,
tel. 8 (42153) 36118, fax 8 (42153) 36118, e-mail otdzdrav@vzm.kht.ru





Vyazemsky Raion Outpatient Clinic, a municipal health care institution


Provision of primary health care services  and promotion of health prevention and improvement  activities in the community

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



Good Health for Everyone!
(Improving conditions for patients and modernizing the infrastructure of Amursky Raion TB Dispensary)

Requested amount $20 000

Grantee and other contributions  $22 400

Total cost $42 400

Amursky Raion is located at the middle reaches of Amur River and is a satellite of a large industrial center, the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. This community’s population of 72,600 is steadily decreasing. Most of its industrial plants are idle, this accounting for a high unemployment level among local residents. Because of the presence of several large prisons and the recent commissioning of the regional predetention center, the concentration of persons infected with tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases is growing. Besides, Amursk and Elban are popular locations for settling homeless and disadvantaged persons evicted from Khabarovsk.

Project summary:

Reduction of heating costs by increasing the energy efficiency of the building and improving the work of engineering networks. Improving conditions for patients and, as a result, the effectiveness of treatment. Lowering social tension in the community through decreasing microbiological pollution and increasing public awareness about the disease.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project results:

Project contact:

Nadezhda Gorbacheva, chief physician.

Contact information:

21 Zheleznodorozhnaya St., Elban, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682610,
tel. 8(42142) 24468, fax 8(42142) 24468, e-mail amurskptd@mail.ru





Amursky TB Dispensary, a municipal health care institution


Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases cased by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



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