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Community Development Support Program in Russia

Recent accomplishments of Community Development Support Program (CDSP) at RFE.

New solar power lights were installed in Topolevo settlement near Khabarovsk

Currently 16 projects have been funded in the framework of Community Development Support Program at the Russian Far East. Nine of them are already closed but still deliver profit and initiate positive impacts on rural communities. In Topolevo settlement due to the change of the public transportation scheme emissions from the buses were reduced by 45% in the settlement. New energy saving light system helps to save 30 MWh per year. Three permanent jobs were created in the settlement. According to the local police station reports new sports facilities distracted students from the street what resulted in 25% of local youth criminality rate decrease. Citizen engagement (volunteering) increased from 5 to 15% of the total population. CDSP funds were leveraged with local businesses donations. This partnership helped the community to get First Prize at the All-Russian contest of rural municipalities for healthy environment and life quality.
This positive experience was used by applicants who submitted their concepts for the Round 4 of CDSP in May. In Total FSD through its RFE PRC “Zelyonyi Dom” received 16 concepts with over 48 projects inside. Out of them six were selected after the process of external and internal review for developing full proposal for the second stage of the grant competition. They represented Khabarovskiy and Primorskiy Krais (4 and 2 proposals respectively). Full proposals are expected to arrive in early June 2008.


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