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Community Development Support Program in Russia

News, April 2008.

The Results of the Community Development Support Program (CDSP) Are Discussed in Dagestan

On March 20, 2008, in Makhachkala, a seminar devoted to CDSP achievents in the republic was held at Dagestan State University. The seminar was attended by representatives of the public (from Agulsky, Sergokalininsky and Kayakentsky raions, where the program’s projects are being implemented); the staff of the University and the Dagestan Scientific Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences; and journalists from local media outlets.. Edward Urzaya, minister of information, external communications and nationality relations, represented the Government of the Republic of Dagestan. Information on the seminar was presented by the republic’s television and in the newspaper Novoye delo.

The project complex that is being carried out in a remote mountainous area following the initiative of  a teacher from Dagestan State University Ludmila Mazanayeva, is nearing completion: the water supply system in the raion hospital has been modernized and an energy-efficiency system has been installed in the middle school of Tpig Settlement where the old wooden windows were replaced with new modern heat-insulating ones. At the seminar, Osman Mazanayev, deputy head of the raion administration, spoke about the plans of the local self-government to introduce a system of reinvesting energy savings. Much attention was focused on the project to develop tourism in Agulsky Raion. The project’s coordinator, Elena Ilyina, presented the tourist routes developed as part of project activities that will be used by the republic’s tourist agencies. Vladimir Anufriyev, a film director from Nizhny Novgorod, presented a film about Agulsky Raion and its tourism development potential.

The director of the Dagestan Branch of the Institute of High Temperatures, Abdullah Amanziyev, spoke about work that has been accomplished under CDSP projects in Sergokalinsky and Kayakentsky raions that were devoted to the utilization of a new solar energy technology. Thanks to the opportunities provided by CDSP agricultural products’ processing units are being assembled in these communities and a system of producing dry fruit with the help of sun drying is being arranged. The new solar energy collecting panels will provide hot ware supply to the raion hospital and the children’s summer camp. The speaker noted that a number of business firms in Dagestan had agreed to continue financing the introduction of modern solar energy techniques.

Edward Urzaya, minister of information, external communications and nationality relations, is ready to provide support to the further development of the Program in Dagestan

Officials of Agulsky Raion Administration and the staff of the raion hospital located in Tpig Settlement are glad that the hospital now has hot water

In the winter of 2008, the pupils of the middle school in Tpig Settlement for the first time studied in warm classrooms


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