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News. June 2008.

FSD Board of Directors Approves the Work of the Fund

On June 4, 2008, at a regular meeting of FSD Board of Directors, the Fund’s activities of the past three years were summarized and approved.
During the meeting, FSD program specialists presented projects and programs that are being implemented by the Fund’s team in Russia. The question of the organization’s future development was also discussed.
The FSD Strategic Development Plan for the period of  up to 2012 was considered and a decision was passed that all comments and proposals to elaborate the Plan should be made by e-mail. The Board of Directors also approved a number of administrative and financial documents that regulate the activities of FSD.
A.B.Levinthal, deputy chairman of Khabarovsk Krai Government and minister of economic development and external relations was elected to the Board of Directors.

In the evening of the same day, the staff of FSD continued to exchange opinions with BD members at a dinner devoted to the third anniversary of the Fund.
FSD received warm congratulations from friends and partners, participants in its projects and programs from various regions of Russia. The dinner became possible thanks to support from the members of FSD Steering Committee,  V.B.Malkin, member of the RF Federation Council from the Republic of Buryatia, and V.V.Pozner, president of Russia’s Academy of Television.


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