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FSD Board of Directors:

V.I. Danilov-Danilian, Chairman of FSD Board of Directors, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Water Problems, Moscow.

Sheldon Bennett, Principal at Board Solutions Co., Ìîscow.

A. N. Kosarikov, Head of Research, Environmental Projects Consulting Institute, Nizhny Novgorod.

V. M. Tarbaeva, Deputy Head of the Saint Petersburg and Leningradsky district branch of the All-Russian Society of Nature Protection (VOOP), St. Petersburg.

Barbara Felitti, Founder and Owner, Barbara Felitti Consulting, LLC, Montpelier, Vermont, USA.

M. B. Kupchik, Director of Representative Office of the International Company Delivery World Limited (United Arab Emirates), Moscow.

O. S. Fokin, Executive Director of the Fund for Sustainable Development, Moscow.

R. O. Butovsky, Heard of the department “Technology” of  the Russian research Institute “VNII Ecology” (RF Ministry of Nature).

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