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Announcement of the proposal selection process results of the targeted program “Organization of the public monitoring system and improving drinking water quality in the settlements along Amur river in Khabarovsk Krai (Amur Initiative)”

Results of the proposals competition for the targeted program Amur Initiative that is being implemente with support from USAID in the framework of the Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation in partnership with Khabarovsk Krai Government and Green House, a public philanthropic organization in Khabarovsk Krai, were announced on June 9, 2007.
A total of seven proposals were received with the total funding requested of nearly $200,000. Two of seven applications failed to comply with the minimum eligibility criteria. Initially it was planned to finance four proposals for a total amount of nearly $125 000. However, considering the critical importance of the issue of supplying quality potable water to Amur riverside settlements; the need in organizing operative and credible Amur water quality monitoring; repeated requests from Khabarovsk Krai Government and its considerable contributions to all projects; and also the generally positive expert recommendations, FSD, after consulting with the donor, USAID, decided to fund all five projects. The total amount of funding provided by FSD will be $149, 860, while the total cost of the projects, including co-funding, will exceed $246, 000, which means that each dollar of assistance will be matched by almost one dollar from local sources.
Congratulations to the winners!

List of Assistance Recipients under the Amur Initiative Targeted Program

Project number

Project title





«Organizing additional water supply for social facilities»

Sikachi-Alan national minority rural settlement, Khabarovsk raion

Municipal institution “Directorate of the education complex of Sikachi Alan settlement”



“Organizing alternative water supply source in Kalma settlement, Ulchskiy raion”

Kalma rural settlement, Ulchsky raion

“National minority community Dekal” Ltd.

24 859.72


“High quality water for each rural citizen”

Osinovaya Rechka rural settlement , Khabarovsk raion

Administration of Osinovaya Rechka rural settlement

25 000


Introduction of UV drinking water sterilization system

Bychikha and Kazakevichevo rural settlements, Khabarovsk raion

“Ussuri resort” OJSC

25 000


Organization of the instant monitoring system of Amur river waters

Khabarovsk city

Regional State department for civil defence, emergency situations and fire prevention of Khabarovsk Krai

50 000



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