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Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies
(CDSP-ICT) 2011-2014

Project #1

Heat Saving in Avon School

Requested amount $13 000

Grantee and other contributions $12 202

Total cost $25 202

Vyazemsky Municipality in Khabarovsk Krai has a population of 6,400. The settlement of Avon located in this municipality has 786 residents. 164 children attend the local school.


Community problems addressed by the Project:

  1. Heat preservation and provision of comfortable conditions in the school;
  2. Protection from severe weather conditions and aggressive external environment;
  3. Noise insulation;
  4. Absence of environmentally friendly windows;
  5. Safety and health improvement for teachers and students;
  6. Saving school budget funds intended for heat and electricity.

Project summary:

The project was aimed at improving conditions in the school of Avan settlement for 120 students and 39 teachers and technical staff. Grant funds were used for installing 15 new windows. The administration of Vyazemsky Raion donated an additional 4 million rubles to the grant amount of 400,000 rubles ($13,000) for replacing all the other windows in the school building. Thanks to the new modern energy-efficient windows that have replaced the old wooden ones, the temperature in the school is now from 6 to 10 degrees higher. Illumination has improved, the rooms can be aired and the level of noise protection has increased. This has resulted in a lower illness rate among students and teachers and also allows saving considerable municipal funds spent for heat and power. Project activities included a contest for the best energy-saving mini projects among older students. Project information was placed on the websites of the school and the municipality.

Project results:

  1. 15 new windows were installed. The administration of Vyazemsky Raion donated an additional 4 million rubles to the grant amount of 400,000 rubles ($13,000) for replacing all the other windows in the school building.
  2. The amount of coal burnt at the central boiler plant in the settlement decreased by 25 t/month, which allowes saving from 200,000 to 210,000 rubles during the heating season;
  3. High degree of protection from exhaust gas, street dust and boiler plant smoke.

Contact person:

Margarita Redkina, teacher at Avon school

Contact information:

9 Shkolnaya St., Avon, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai
Tel 8(42153)44230 vyz-s-avan@yandex.ru





Avon Middle School


Educational activities


Duration (months)

Start date


End date


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