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Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) 2011-2014

Project #7

Replacement of incandescent lamps with light-emitting diodes in Lake Baikal shoreline villages (with the use of ICT to promote public participation and dissemination of experience)

Requested amount $11 800

Grantee and other contributions $12 000

Total cost $23 800

The rural settlement of Turkinskoye with a population of 3,000 is located in Pribaikalsky Raion in the Republic of Buryatia at a distance of 180 km from Ulan-Ude on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. Starting from 2008, the federal project of establishing the Baikal Harbor Tourist and Recreation Special Economic Zone (TR SEZ) is being implemented in this area. Energy-efficiency development is an important means of improving both the quality of life of local residents and the natural environment of the region, as well as an incentive for involving investors, residents of the zone, in addressing local energy supply issues.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

Project summary:

Installation of light-emitting diodes in School # 1 in Turka, where the Baikal Harbor Tourist and Recreation Special Economic Zone (TR SEZ) is being set up. Replication the experience of this pilot project to other lakeshore settlements of the region. The project involves a reinvestment of energy savings into social programs in the community. To replicate best project practices and involve local residents in exchanging information and discussing and addressing energy and environmental issues, the following ICT will be used: the new public newspaper Podlemorye and its internet version with a forum on regional energy-efficiency initiatives in Baikal Region; an online newsletter on energy-efficiency; and community newspapers. Other mechanisms developed in the course of previous projects will also be used, such as the Social Contract of Pribaikalsky Raion government, businesses and NGOs that is being implemented since 2010; public advisory councils at relevant agencies of Buryatia; and contests of social projects in communities. To summarize the project, a final information and training webinar will be conducted with the participation of local officials, community members, owners of small ecobusinesses located on Baikal lakeshore and residents - TR SEZ investors. All information materials will be sent to FSD for placement on its portal and electronic journal.

Project results:

  1. In School # 1 in Turka, in less illuminated classrooms facing north, 100 new  light-emitting diode lamps were installed in accordance with GOST standards;
  2. The quality of illumination in the school rooms was improved, which helped create more healthy conditions for the students and teachers and improve the working conditions of the latter;
  3. The amount of waste was decreased due to the greater longevity (by 10 times) of the new lamps, thus also easing the burden on the environment.
  4. Energy savings amount to 16,632 kW/h a year ($2,500), thus providing resources for co-funding a contest of social projects aimed at promoting energy-efficiency projects and improving the health and quality of life in the community;
  5. Additional funding was also received from the local Education Department for other energy-efficiency activities in the school, such as installing air curtains at the doors;
  6. ICT were broadly used for promoting public participation in addressing community issues: a poll among at least 600 users was conducted to identify priority energy-efficiency areas and disseminate information, as well as a seminar for the public with recommendations for the raion and regional energy-saving programs based on replicating best practices and results at institutions funded from local budgets and located on the Baikal lakeshore (UNESCO World Heritage Site);
  7. Three issues of a new public newspaper Podlemorye were printed covering the priority energy and environmental problems of the littoral zone of Lake Baikal;
  8. Information about the project and the importance of energy-efficiency was disseminated with the use of ICT and a series of regional events: the digital media and websites – of the Podlemorye Public Association pomors@googlegroups.com, http://podlemorie.infol the interregional site http://ecodelo.org, FSD electronic journal and seminars – FSD webinar on energy-efficiency, workshops on issues facing small indigenous peoples of the Arctic in Baikal Region and a meeting of the working group for developing Russian-American Eco NGO Cooperation Program (RAPSIGO) during the visit of Buryatia president Nagovitsyn to the project site in Turka.

Contact person:

Andrei Suknev, director of A.Y.Suknev Private Enterprise

Contact information:

9 Nakhimova Pereulok, # 2, Ulan-Ude
Tel. 8 (3012) 642678





A.Y.Suknev Private Enterprise


Ecobusiness and publishing activities, support to environmental civic initiatives development projects in the following areas:

  • social protection, youth policy, child development programs, environmental protection and culture;
  • urban landscaping;
  • creative and sports activities for children.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date


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