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Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) 2011-2014

Project #4

Creating comfortable conditions for education and development with the use of ICT

Requested amount $13 000

Grantee and other contributions $3 800

Total cost $16 800

The rural settlement of Topolevo is located in Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai, in close proximity to the regional capital and has a population of 4,400. The middle school in Topolevo is a general education establishment aimed at forming responsible citizens, adapting students to life in society and instilling in them respect for human rights and freedoms and an appreciation for their country and people around them. There are 45 teachers, 20 assistant staff members and 360 children in the school, of whom 79 are inmates of the local orphanage.


Community problems addressed by the Project:

  1. Increased incidence of chronic respiratory illnesses among schoolchildren.
  2. High level of noise and air pollution in the school which is located near a traffic intersection.
  3. Uneven distribution of heat in the classrooms due to flaws in the design of the school building.
  4. Disinterested attitudes toward energy-saving in the community.

Project summary:

Replacement of 15 old windows and installation of 3 noise-insulating doors at emergency exists. Preparation of materials for publication in the media: 3 for Topolevo radio station, 3 for the raion newspaper Selskaya nov and 2 for local television. Project information was placed on the school’s internet site. Two webinars and 1 drawings contest were conducted on the subject of energy-efficiency.

Project results:

Increased level of knowledge about ICT among the pupils and a greater interest of community members in the use of energy-saving technologies. Improved conditions in the school: decreased noise and pollution levels in the school and smaller incidence of respiratory illnesses.

Contact person:

Olga Kirilkina, school principal

Contact information:

4A Shkolnaya St., Topolevo, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 680510
Tel. 8 (4212) 49-64-54, topolevo-sp@mail.ru 





Topolevo middle school


Education activities

Duration (months)

Start date


End date


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