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Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) 2011-2014

Project #9

Increasing the efficiency of heat supply in educational institutions in Sysert Urban District

Requested amount $11 400

Grantee and other contributions $43 657

Total cost $53 657

The city of Sysert with a population of 21,000 is located in the south of Sverdlovskaya Oblast at a distance of 43 km from Yekaterinburg. Sysert is the administrative center of Sysert City District that includes 7 rural administrations. There are 38 populated centers in this municipality.

Middle School # 56 in the settlement of Dvurechensk is the site of the project.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

  1. Inefficient heat energy consumption during autumn, spring and weekends;
  2. Impossibility to control heats supply  levels in the building in accordance with outdoor temperature;
  3. The use of tentative figures for billing for heat instead of actual consumption figures;
  4. Lack of a heat supply automatic control system (SART).

Project summary:

Project activities will include a preliminary examination of the kindergarten building to identify its actual need in heat. A specialized firm will draw up design documentation for installing a heat supply automatic control system. The school management will acquire SART equipment and organize a seminar for the staff of the municipal utilities services on how to install modern heat consumption control systems and heat meters. The firm will conduct start-up and commissioning operations in accordance with standard procedures and will monitor the work of the system.

To broadly advertise the introduction of energy-saving techniques in municipalities, the administration of Sysert Urban District together with School # 56, the Ural Center for Energy Saving and Ecology (UCEE) and the management of the utilities service will organize a series of

publications in the local press and on the internet site of the city about the municipal energy-efficiency program and the results of the installation of a SART system in Kindergarten # 56.

Project results:

 Installation of one SART system in Kindergarten # 56 that is attended daily by 220 children and 60 adults, which helps improve conditions in the kindergarten and bring it into compliance with sanitary standards; this helps prevent illnesses among the children;

  1. Demonstration of the possibility to save energy by installing SART in a standard building – this will help to broadly utilize this technology in residential buildings in this and other communities;
  2. Thermal imaging conducted in the kindergarten identified point of heat loss;
  3.  Reduction of heat energy consumption by 180 Gcal/year after the installation of one SART system in the building;
  4. Reduction of payments from the municipal budget by 130,000 rub/year as a result of a 15-20% drop of the need in heat energy;
  5. 8 technicians were trained at a specially organized seminar to design, install and operate heat supply automatic control systems;
  6. To broadly advertise the benefits of energy-saving technologies, the Sysert Administration and the management of the kindergarten  in partnership with the Ural Center for Energy Saving and Ecology and the management of the local housing and utilities service placed a series of publications in the local press and on the city website devoted to the energy-efficiency program development in Sysert and the results of the work of the SART system in the kindergarten. This information was of special interest to the housing and utilities system management and the city’s budget-funded institutions overall. Project information was also placed on the website of the Ural Center for Energy Saving and Ecology to facilitate broad knowledge sharing on SART systems with the staff of other municipalities of the region.

Contact information:

23 Mira St., Office 227, Yekaterinburg 620049, Russia
Tel. 8 (343) 374-15-74; mail@ucee.ru





Ural Center for Energy Saving and Ecology LLC


Examination of energy equipment and developing and implementing energy-efficiency programs for industrial facilities and municipal institutions.

Duration (months)


Start date

01.12. 2011

End date



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