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Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation Based on Information and Communication Technologies (CDSP-ICT) 2011-2014

Project #6

From energy-efficiency to development (transition to alternative sources of energy)

Requested amount $10 000

Grantee and other contributions $8 000

Total cost $18 000

The city of Shelekhov and Shelekhovsky Raion with a combined population of 49,200 are situated in the south of Irkutsk Oblast in the valley of the rivers Irkutsk and Olkha at a distance of 17 km from the regional capital. Problems related to the systematic growth of energy prices and interruptions in energy supply, as well as high heat losses and low capacity of heating devices, especially in children’s institutions, may be resolved by reducing heat losses and shifting to modern alternative energy sources.

Community problems addressed by the Project:

  1. High cost  of energy and heat supply for social (children’s) institutions of the raion in conditions of inadequate funding, high heat losses (90% equipment deterioration) and ineffective heat output of heating devices;
  2. Frequent interruptions of hot water supply prevent normal operation and lead to systematic closures of the kindergarten and worsen conditions for the children attending it;
  3. Poorly developed normative and legal framework regulating energy savings reinvestment into community development programs in social institutions;
  4. Only a few pre-school institutions in the city practice energy and heat saving and even this experience is not promoted and, in general, ICT are hardly used to increase public awareness about energy-efficiency.

Project summary:

The installation of a system of solar water heating (by the number of sunny days Irkutsk Oblast matches Crimea and Northern Caucasus – the annual number of sunshine hours in the southern areas of the region reaches 2500) will solve the problem of independent hot water supply to the kindergarten’s kitchen and will ensure the permanent operation of this institution. ICT will be used

to advertise project results with the aim of replicating experience in both Shelekhov and its raion and also in other areas of the region. Information about best energy-efficiency practices will be disseminated through the media, the internet site of the local administration and at the advanced education course for educators (the kindergarten is the pilot site of Irkutsk Teachers’ Advanced Training Institute).  A presentation on the benefits of energy-efficiency and project activities will be made in the course of an online seminar for local high school students and placed on the sites of these organizations. This will increase public awareness and competence regarding the efficient use of energy resources and the dissemination of modern energy supply technologies. 

Project results:

  1. The installed Universal Solar Water Heating System guarantees the uninterrupted work of the kindergarten’s kitchen, which helps improve the health of over 200 children and adult employees;
  2. Reduction by 30% of the kindergarten’s  hot water costs (90,000 rubles a year), since 350 m3 of consumed hot water is now heated by solar water heaters (by the number of sunny days Irkutsk Oblast matches Crimea and Northern Caucasus – the annual number of sunshine hours in the southern areas of the region reaches 2500);
  3. Reinvestment of energy savings into other energy-efficiency activities in other parts of the kindergarten;
  4. Introduction of ICT to facilitate  a broad dissemination of  information about the achieved energy savings and efficient utilization of energy resources based on alternative energy sources (best energy-efficiency practices were disseminated through the media (2 articles in the local press, the internet site of Shelekhov Raion Administration and seminars);
  5. Increased level of knowledge of the staff of educational institutions after information about best energy-efficiency practices was presented to 30 regional educators at seminars and courses at Irkutsk Teacher’s Advanced Training Institute (the Alyonka Kindergarten is the training  base of Irkutsk Teacher’s Institute).

Contact person:

Alena Suvorova, director of Kindergarten # 14

Contact information:

7 Section 7, Shelekhov, Irkutsk Oblast 666034
Tel. 8 (395 10) 4 58 64, fax 8 (395 10) 4 58 11 (for A. Suvorova), e-mail alenas9@yandeõ.ru





Kindergarten # 14

Municipal o

Education and development for pre-school children.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date



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