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Project News: "Preventing Environmental Pollution by Recycling Solid Household and Industrial Waste"  April, 2006.

The project “Environmental pollution prevention through solid waste recycling” launched by SibEcoTrans on December 1, 2005, by April 2006 has equipped a second-hand materials storage warehouse and a recycling center in the city of Shelekhov in accordance with the Project’s Work Plan.

A corrugator press acquired by the grantee allows to reduce the amount of waste by 10-15 times and to speed up its removal (a ZIL truck carries 5 tons of pressed waste), as well as to reduces the burden on landfills

Carton is fed to the press with the help of a stacker that was acquired on grantee funds

Pressed carton is recycled at Vtorma Baikal Company and used for putting out toilet paper, mineral cotton and other construction materials.

Additionally, a machine for shredding bottles and plastic was purchased under this project and put into operation. It recycles treated waste which is used, for example, for manufacturing asbestos slates.

In accordance with an agreement with the local administration, SibEcoTrans removes trash from schools free-of-charge. An inspection has shown that the trash bins near these schools are clean ( Branch of School #5). This company removes up to 50% of the city’s waste

Shelekhov Raion Mayor, Yu.Susin, Shelekhov City Mayor, R.Bolotov, and SibEcoTrans director have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the continuation, with support from the city, of SibEcoTrans waste recycling activities in the city of Shelekhov with the help of equipment acquired on grant funds.

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