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Project news. "My Pretty Smile". January 2006

In January 2006, the project “My Pretty Smile” aimed at improving dental health among preschoolers and schoolchildren was launched in Nadvoitsy settlement (Segezhsky Raion, Republic of Karelia)
A group of leading Russia’s dental specialists from Moscow State Medical Dental University is taking an active part in this project along with its grantee, Segezhskaya Central District Hospital. In October 2005, these doctors from Moscow conducted detailed dental examinations of children (3-14 years of age) and adults (26-41 years of age). Proceeding from the results of these studies, the project’s action plan was expanded, funding was increased, and the term of the project was changed from one year to two years.
Under this project, two dentists from Nadvoitsy settlement have been invited by the Dental Disease Prevention Faculty to take an advanced training course at Moscow State Medial Dental University from February 13 to March 10. After becoming acquainted with modern methods, these two specialists from the Central District Hospital in Segezha will organize effective dental disease prevention and treatment for the children of Nadvoitsy settlement.
The planned activities of the project were complemented by Colgate-Palmolive, which decided to provide support  to project activities in the course of 2 years and to supply 1/3 of the required amount of toothpaste and toothbrushes. This company will also provide free materials and supplies for arranging special dental disease prevention rooms at three kindergartens, a school, and an outpatient clinic in Nadvoitsy settlement. 

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