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Project title: "Clean Brook."

Administration of Nadvoitsy Settlement, Segezhsky Raion, Republic of Karelia
Profile of organization
Start date : April 1, 2006                                                   End date : September 30, 2006
Project summary
This project will plant trees and shrubs and improve the local recreational area in the center of the settlement; and arrange sites for placing waste collection containers:

  1. The banks of a brook that flows through the recreational area will be cleared of trash and fallen trees (200 linear meters).
  2. The brook will also be dredged.
  3. Landscaping activities will be carried out on the area along the brook.
  4. The local recreation area will be improved.
  5. 22 disposal containers will be placed on specially allocated sites.
  6. 40 trees and 560 decorative shrubs will be planted.
  7.  Media coverage: local TV station Omega; the district newspaper “Trust”, and the publication of promotion materials.
  8. Volunteer labor days will be organized on Saturdays that will be joined by nearly 300 people.

Nadvoitsy Settlement
Anticipated results
Improvement of the area along the brook located in the recreational area of the settlement; installation of disposal containers on special sites; and planting trees and shrubs on these sites.
It is expected that as a result of project activities, the situation with keeping the settlement clean and tidy will change for the better.

The experience of this project may be disseminated to other communities of the settlement and to other cities and settlements.

Total budget $22 729  Grantee contribution$12 229 Grant $10 500

Project Outcomes (September 2006)

This project was aimed at involving the residents of Nadvoitsy Settlement in the Republic of Karelia in an effort to improve the living environment of the community.

In May 2006, a campaign was launched in the local press to promote public participation in the project.

The voluntary activities organized by the project were joined by local schoolchildren, and the staff of such organizations as the NAZ-SUAL Branch, Nadvoitsky Energy Company, Segezhsky Housing Trust, and Set.

The members of the community cleaned the valley of the brook that runs through Nadvoitsy Settlement.

In Nadvoitsy Settlement, five sites for placing trash containers were prepared; and 22 such containers were acquired and installed.

As a follow-up, the project team has reached an agreement with NAZ-SUAL Branch to deliver fertile soil for planting trees and shrubs; and it is negotiating with suppliers of trees and shrubs, which will be planted at the recreation area and around trash container sites. Project activities also included purchasing and installing urns, litterbins, and benches.

A trash container site installed by the project. An area in the valley of the brook that was improved as a result of the voluntary effort of the community.
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