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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 2

Project Complex

Sustainable development of Sikachi-Alan, Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements in Khabarovsk Krai

Requested amount $46, 000      Grantee contribution $27, 041      Total cost $73, 041

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

Municipality Profile 

The community (with a total population of 4,418) consists of three rural settlements: Sikachi-Alan and Malyshevo inhabited by indigenous Arctic peoples; and Ilyinka, a Russian settlement situated along Amur River.
Sikachi-Alan has 334 residents and is an ancient Nanaj settlement, which has been in existence for many thousands of years.
Sikachi-Alan Petroglyphs, an architectural monument, is the remarkable sight of the settlement dated 12 century BC. This unique rock painting is a popular tourist attraction and an object of pride of the local population.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:
The Project Complex will help resolve community problems related both to infrastructure and to unemployment. Each project supplements the other ones in creating a cultural and ethnographic center in the three villages of the community that will most fully promote the historic and recreational potential of the area. Moreover, the appearance of new jobs will help check the extremely negative tendency of alcoholization of the local population; and the reduction of expenses for heating water will allow investing more into community development. The legal mechanism of reinvesting energy savings is established in Decree # 133 of June 22, 2005, issued by the Head of Khabarovsky Municipality “On the approval of the statue on the order of determining and using local budget savings from payments for electricity, heat and hot water in accordance with the readings of flow meters installed in municipal institutions in Khabarovsky Municipality”.
Contact person of the Project Complex:
Nina Druzhinina, head of Sikachi Alan Settlement, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

1 Oktyabrskaya St, Sikachi Alan Settlement, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai
Tel. (4212)93-43-23

Organizations – members of the Complex




Kindergarten in Sikachi-Alan, a municipal pre-school educational institution.


Educational activities.

Sikachi-Alan Rural Settlement Administration.


Municipal governance, coordination of the activities of social institutions, and protection of citizen interests.

Middle education school in Sikachi-Alan, a municipal education situation.


Educational activities.

Cultural and Entertainment Complex at Sikachi-Alan Rural Settlement Administration, a municipal cultural institution


Cultural and educational activities, organization of mass cultural events, and additional education for the youth.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date


Alternative source of energy using solar energy for heating water at the Educational Complex in Sikachi-Alan Settlement

Kindergarten in Sikachi-Alan
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.12.2007

Project summary:
Tekhnonest DV LLC will install solar energy collecting panels, which will allow to save 60% of electric power a month. The savings will be used for more frequent trash and household waste removal.
Location of dissemination:
Sikachi Alan, Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

70 Karla Marksa St., Tekhnonest-DV LLC, Khabarovsk 680000,
Tel./fax (4212)31-44-91, e-mail Mobil52@yandex.ru
Project coordinator:
Alexander Shevchenko, consultant

Project objectives:

There is no hot water in the kindergarten and middle school in Sikachi Alan Settlement. Water for preparing food and washing dishes is heated by heavy-duty electric devices, which considerably reduce voltage in the power network. The use of solar energy collecting panels will considerably reduce pressure on the local electric power substation and will eliminate the frequent power cuts caused by network overloading. The collectors do not use organic, chemical, nuclear or other types of fuel that pollute the environment.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$16, 308

Grantee contribution
$1, 308

Awarded grant
$15, 000

Sikachi-Alan Petroglyphs – a key to community development

Sikachi Alan Settlement Administration
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 30.11.2007

Project summary:
Project activities will include laying two 10-m surface-water drainpipes at the inundated lower part of the road to provide drainage; fill 400 m of the road with gravel and crushed rock; repair remaining parts of the road along M.Passara Street. The new storm drain will improve the condition of the soil around the road and will prevent its erosion.
Location of dissemination:
Sikachi Alan, Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

1 Oktyabrskaya St., Sikachi Alan Settlement, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 680526
Tel. (4212)93-43-23
Project coordinator:
Nina Druzhinina, head of Sikachi Alan Settlement Administration

Project objectives:

The most critical local problems are the social deprivation of the population resulting from unemployment and low incomes and an underdeveloped infrastructure. Worn-down roads worsen the quality of life in rural settlements and prevent the development of tourism, making trips to the Nanaj settlement to view the unique monument of ancient rock painting, Sikachi Alan Petroglyphs, an unpleasant experience. The settlement can develop by providing tourist services, but because of the difficult access to the sites with Petroglyphs, it is hardly visited. Addressing the problem of worn-down roads may lead to an improvement of life in the settlement that will be visited by greater numbers of guests, since the local residents will be selling more souvenirs.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$31, 602

Grantee contribution
$11, 602

Awarded grant
$20, 000

Founding an ethnographic museum in Sikachi-Alan to promote integration of friendly cultures

Middle General Education School in Sikachi Alan
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.01.2008

Project summary:
Organizing a museum in two rooms on the ground floor of the Education Complex; creating two models of Nanaj dwellings; building an entrance and partitions; and installing two doors.
Location of dissemination:
Sikachi Alan, Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

1aOktyabrskaya St., Sikachi Alan Settlement, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 680526
Tel./fax (4212) 93-42-51, e-mail sik-shkola@yandex.ru
Project coordinator:
Ludmila Passar, headmistress of the Middle General Education School in Sikachi Alan Settlement

Project objectives:

The residents of this Nanaj settlement are unable to derive income from tourist services that are provided by travel agencies from Khabarovsk, which organize excursions to the Sikachi Alan Petroglyphs without coordinating with the local community and without investing in the protection and maintenance of the monument. The appearance of a museum will promote tourism development and, thus, bring additional revenue to the community.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$8, 453

Grantee contribution
$3, 253

Awarded grant
$5, 200

Reviving a traditional culture to advance economic and spiritual development of small Arctic indigenous peoples

Culture and Entertainment Center of Sikachi Alan Settlement Administration
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 29.02.2008

Project summary:
Proceeding from applications filed by unemployed community members and upon an agreement with the administration of the three settlements and the Employment Center, 30 persons will be trained in creating folk craft items. Grant funds will be used for covering the travel expenses of instructor who will come to Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements; acquiring tools; and installing five leather-processing units. The Employment Center will pay monthly allowances of 864 rubles to the 30 attendees of the training in the course of five months and salaries to the three instructors.
Location of dissemination:
Sikachi Alan, Ilyinka and Malyshevo settlements, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

1Oktaybrskaya St. Sikachi Alan Settlement, Khabarovsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 680526
Tel. (4212)93-43-23
Project coordinator:
Irina Birulyova, director of the Culture and Entertainment Center.

Project objectives:

This project helps restore the skills of the national Nanaj culture. Young and middle age community members do not know how to create traditional articles from wood, birch bark, wicker and fish skin or how to collect and store natural materials. The development of tourism in this locality will lower unemployment and give the community members an opportunity to earn a living. This, in turn, will promote economic and community development.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$16, 798

Grantee contribution
$10, 998

Awarded grant
$5, 800

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