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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 2

Project Complex

Installing independent power supply systems using renewable energy sources and processing organic waste for sustainable regional development

Requested amount $65 385      Grantee contribution $46 000      Total cost $111 385

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

1. Processing hazardous poultry, livestock and winemaking waste and generating biogas and producing environmentally sound fertilizers.
2. Heating and hot water supply of administration buildings based on renewable energy sources.
3. Processing agricultural produce, berries and medicinal herbs with the use of solar energy.

Municipality Profile 

Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky raions with a total population of 86,000 are located in the foothills in the Republic of Dagestan and have a common border. The two raions have well-developed agricultural production, which provides good opportunities for introducing techniques for recycling livestock and wine-making waste and producing dried fruits and berries.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:
The Project Complex will be carried out in a region with decentralized energy supply, where up to 50% of  the cost of imported fuel (coal and firewood) is covered by municipal subsidies. The Republic of Dagestan possesses extensive experience in developing solar energy generation techniques, whose introduction as part of project activities will make it possible to lower municipal budget expenditures in the model communities. As a result of the Project Complex, 350,000 rubles will be save annually by the local budgets due to a reduction of consumption of traditional types of energy. These energy savings will be reinvested in the communities for the further promotion of energy-efficiency techniques.
The organizations carrying out the projects have established constructive interaction with the model  Sergokalinsky and Kayakentsky raions: all the members of the Consortium and the administrations of the model raions have signed a Memorandum on Interaction for the period of Project Complex implementation.
The economic effect of the Project Complex will be channeled toward sustainable community development and the introduction of innovative techniques by reinvesting energy savings into new projects and training specialists.
Contact person of the Project Complex:
Abdullah Amadziyev, director of a branch of the United High-Temperature Institute

Contact information:
75 Yarangskogo St., Republic of Dagestan
Tel.:(8722)62-93-76, e-mail ivtran@inbox.ru

Organizations – members of the Complex




Branch of the United Institute of High Temperature at the Russian Academy of Sciences


Research, development and introduction of renewable sources of energy and environmentally sound energy-efficient techniques. Creation and replication of independent sources of energy supply for decentralized consumers of energy.

Ecology LLC


Practical implementation of alternative energy projects.

Geothermics Institute of the Dagestan Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences


Development and introduction of alternative energy projects, including those devoted to the use of thermal water.

Duration (months)


Start date

01/10/ 2007

End date


Processing hazardous poultry, livestock and wine-making waste and generating biogas and producing environmentally sound fertilizers

Branch of the United High Temperature Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Makhachkala
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.07.2008

Project summary:
This project involves installing self-contained energy-saving sources of energy working on secondary resources - agricultural waste. Special complexes will be built that utilize toxic winemaking and poultry and cattle farm waste and produce biogas and environmentally sound fertilizers. Biogas is used for supplying energy to farms and individual consumers. The sediment from these complexes, which is an environmentally sound fertilizer, will be used in the community. This project is environmentally effective, since it utilizes hazardous cattle and poultry breeding waste. The applied technique of methane fermentation is, essentially, waste-free and helps to resolve two important issues: an environmental one by recycling waste, and a social one by providing good working conditions on the farms.
Location of dissemination:
Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky raions, Republic of Dagestan

Contact information:
75 Yarangskogo St., Republic of Dagestan
Tel.:(8722)62-93-76, e-mail ivtran@inbox.ru
Project coordinator:
Abdullah Amadziyev, director of a branch of the United High-Temperature Institute

Project objectives:

In Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky municipalities, gas is supplied to only 50% of the consumers. Farms and settlements with decentralized power supply systems mostly use fuel that is delivered to them from other regions or they cut trees for firewood. The cost of delivered fuel and coal is subsidized from the local budget and is sold to the population at a price of 1,200 rubles for 1 t, while its actual cost is 3,500 rubles for 1 t inlcuding delivery.
This project involves installing self-contained energy-saving sources of energy that work on secondary resources - agricultural waste.
The complexes  and modular facilities, which are intended for individual farmsteads and large farms and which utilize toxic wine-making and poultry and cattle farm waste and produce biogas and environmentally sound fertilizers, help attain the following objectives:

The economic effect from biomass recycling (production of methane and good-quality environmentally sound fertilizers) will be reinvested in the local municipal budget and directed toward further community development.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$44, 380

Grantee contribution
$20, 000

Awarded grant
$24, 380

Heating and hot water supply of administration buildings based on renewable energy sources

Ecology LLC
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.07.2008

Project summary:
Replacement, in socially significant institutions, of hot water and heat supply systems working on dung brick fuel, firewood and partially on delivered coal and natural gas with solar energy complexes that will fully satisfy the need  in hot water in summer and off-season  (from April to October). In winter, the solar energy systems will be supplemented with small boiler plants that will allow saving over 50% of energy and will produce 300 kW of heat energy a year. The systems will be installed in three summer children’s camps and in the hospital in Kayakent and will include a total of 600 m2 of solar energy collecting panels.
Location of dissemination:
Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky Raions, Republic of Dagestan

Contact information:

Ecologia LLC, 75 Yarangskogo St., Room 412 Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan 367015
Tel. :(8722)62-93-76
Project coordinator:
Kazbek Guseinov, general director

Project objectives:

Energy will be saved through the use of solar energy for hot water supply and heating instead of using organic fuel. The following objectives will be attained: environmental – reduction of hazardous emissions and forest preservation; social – replacement of traditional hot water and heating supply systems in administrative buildings, schools, kindergartens, children’s summer camps, hospitals and first-aid rooms with solar energy systems which will, primarily improve the living conditions of community members; economic – reduction of the use of organic fuel that has to be purchased and is subsidized from the municipal budget  - this will allow reinvesting energy savings into the municipal budget.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$41, 250

Grantee contribution
$18, 000

Awarded grant
$23, 250

Processing agricultural produce, berries and medicinal herbs with the use of solar energy

Geothermics Institute of the Dagestan Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.07.2008

Project summary:
Drying agricultural produce by burning organic waste pollutes the environment and lowers the quality of ready goods, while the use of electric power for drying is connected with large expenses. To this end, and considering the growth of prices for organic waste, the use of non-traditional renewable resources and, in the first place, of solar energy, for drying agricultural products is becoming a high-priority issue. In the southern regions of the country, open-air drying in the sun is the most commonly used method. However, it impairs quality due to possible contamination and to the impact of ultraviolet rays. The most promising method is the use of high-efficiency modular helio-drying units, which use solar radiation that preserves the physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of ready products.
Location of dissemination:
Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky Raions, Republic of Dagestan

Contact information:

39a I Shamilya pr., Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan 367030
Geothermics Institute of Dagestan Research Center
Tel. (8722)62-93-57, fax (8722)62-93-57
Project coordinator:
Alibek Alkhasov, director of the Geothermics Institute of Dagestan Research Center

Project objectives:

Both Kayakentsky and Sergokalinsky raions have  well-developed fruit and vine growing industries and also forests and alpine meadows abundant in wild fruit, berries and medicinal herbs. Most of the fruit is practically left unprocessed and is not dried because of the high cost of traditional heat-carrying agents and transportation. At the same time, there is a great market demand for local dried products (medicinal herbs, apricots, pears, dog rose, cornel, hawthorn, etc.). Solar drying units help solve the following problems:

Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$29, 755

Grantee contribution
$12, 000

Awarded grant
$17, 755

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