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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 2

Project Complex

Creating conditions for sustainable community development in Elban Urban Settlement

Requested amount $41, 056      Grantee contribution $67, 034     Total cost $108,090

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

Municipality Profile 

Elban Municipality with a population of 13,400 (average age – 45 years old) is located in Amursky Raion in Khabarovsk Krai. After a considerable curtailment of production at the local township-forming enterprise, such problems as unemployment, high disease incidence and low civic activeness have come to the forefront in this community.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:
The Project Complex will promote multi-sector interaction (from children and youth to senior citizens) in socially significant activities. The community will be provided with good-quality hot water during the whole year; and the rate of illnesses will lower thanks to the maintenance of standard indoor temperature. Thus, better physical health of individuals will improve the spiritual and moral wellbeing of the whole community. Reduced expenses will upgrade the economic situation of the settlement’s residents. All this will consolidate the community and enhance civic self-awareness.
Communal and Housing Services Management LLC was founded in Elban to coordinate the work of the local communal and housing services under the guidance of a general director. The Board of Directors of this organization will decide how to use funds saved as a result of modernizing hot water pipelines of the central boiler plant. This decision will be made in collaboration with the local administration and a representative body.

Contact information:
7Garazhnaya St., Elban Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682610
Tel. (42142)42-9-56, fax (42142)42-0-33, e-mail ądminelb@amursk.ru

Contact person of the Project Complex:
Natalya Draga, first category specialist on the communal and housing services industry at Elban Rural Settlement Administration

Organizations, members of the Project Complex:




Boiler Plant LLC


Maintenance of boiler plants, repair and technical servicing of central heating boilers, and assembly, repair and technical servicing of steam boilers.

Elban Library Network, a municipal cultural institutions


Culture and education activities.

Elban Settlement Administration


Municipal governance, coordination of the activities of social institutions, and protection of citizen interests.

Duration (months)


Start date


End date


Upgrading process pipelines at the central boiler plant to supply hot water to the community during summer

Boiler Plant LLC
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 31.07.2008

Project summary:
Installing a new main-line pump of a lower capacity and a steam-water unit heater and laying 150 meters of a pipeline. As a result of these activities, the average annual rate of payments for hot water will increase by only 2.2%, while the cost of other utilities in winter will decrease.
Location of dissemination:
Elban Rural Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

26a Vtoroi Mikoraion, Elban Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682610,
Tel. (42142)41-3-44, fax (42142)41-6-30, e-mail uprjkx@pochta.ru
Project coordinator:
Irina Vozhdayeva, chief economist at ZhKKH Department LLC

Project objectives:

Year-round supply of hot water in the community will eliminate pipeline corrosion, increase the quality of hot water, reduce illnesses, decrease power and gas consumption and expenses of every family, and will improve the financial situation of the boiler plant.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$69, 235

Grantee contribution
$49, 615

Awarded grant
$19, 620

Comprehensive modernization of the library building in Elban Settlement to expand the range of community services

Elban Library Network
Type of organization:

Start date 01.10.2007

End date 30.06.2008

Project summary:
This project will modernize the heating system in the library, brick in the large windows, repair the walls and install multiple glass units. A Legal Information Center will be organized in the modernized premises.
Location of dissemination:
Elban Rural Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

12Vtoroi Mikoraion, Elban Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682610
Tel.(42142)41-0-95, e-mail adminelb@mail.amursk.ru
Project coordinator:
Irina Sheremyeva, director of Elban Library Network

Project objectives:

A stable indoor temperature in the library will allow to expand the range of provided services (legal information consultations); carry out activities for children from low-income families; organize exhibitions of books, drawings and works of art; and motivate adolescents to join the audience of readers.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$30, 822

Grantee contribution
$13, 086

Awarded grant
$17, 736

Increasing environmental literacy in Elban Settlement as a means of controlling the spread of unauthorized dumps

Elban Rural Settlement Administration
Type of organization:

Start date 01.02.2008

End date 30.06.2008

Project summary:
Local cultural and educational institutions will conduct public education activities, meetings and contests to increase environmental literacy in the community. Digital cameras will be acquired and conservationists will record the sites of unauthorized dumps and those community members who violate environmental safety rules. Young conservationists will also take pictures of the most cared for areas. The photographs will be placed on information stands in the settlement.
Location of dissemination:
Elban Municipality, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai

Contact information:

7Garazhnaya St., Elban Settlement, Amursky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682610,
Tel. (42142)42-0-33, fax (42142)41-0-33, e-mail ądminelb@amursk.ru
Project coordinator:
Igor Gudin, head of Elban Rural Settlement Administration

Project objectives:

A joint inspection of the settlement by the local Environmental Commission and the children’s environmental organization Green Patrol, identified 149 (26 large) unauthorized dumps of household waste (as of April 22, 2007). To clean one such dump, the local administration has to spend an average of 3,000 rubles, which means that removing all the dumps would cost 447, 000 rubles. New dumps appear in the place of the eliminated ones. The initiative group sees only one way out of this situation: increasing environmental literacy in the community; creating conditions for the appearance of environmentally responsible attitudes among all residents of the settlement; and broadly disseminating information about instances of environmental violations.
Anticipated results:

Total project amount
$8, 033

Grantee contribution
$4, 333

Awarded grant
$3, 700

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