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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex

Public Participation in Rural Development

Grant amount $68 000   Grantee contribution $127 760   Total cost $195 760

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

  1. Introduction of innovative mechanisms promoting sustainable economic development in settlements of Vyazemsky Municipality through the development of agricultural production
  2. Village Fireworks (involving community activists and youth in rural cultural activities)
  3. Installation of energy-saving equipment at water inlets in 9 settlements of Vyazemsky Municipality

Municipality Profile:

Vyazemsky Raion in Khabarovsk Krai with a population of 6,400 is situated in the south of Khabarovsk Krai along the Ussuri River. The best arable land in the region and the local “mushroom belt” (boletus and milk agaric) are located on the banks of this river, making agriculture a profitable business.  Previously, when several divisions of large state farms operated in this raion and feed crops were grown and animal husbandry was well-developed, this municipality supplied agricultural produce to all of Khabarovsk Krai. However, after the state farms closed, the local residents were left without jobs, the plough land is uncared for and community members stopped running individual farms because fodder is no longer locally grown, while the one brought from other places is too expensive.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Rural municipalities are traditionally characterized by a low level of management. The heads of these municipalities often keep their posts for decades because there is no one better to replace them. Active community members leave because of unemployment. The Project Complex promotes the creation of permanent and seasonal jobs. It also offered activists an opportunity to realize their creative potentials by becoming involved in community development plans. The energy-efficiency project addresses the issue of unstable water supply to settlements and also facilitates rural economic development.

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:

The Project Complex promoted rural community development in four areas:

The above directions are included in the 2007-2010 Social and Economic Development Plan of Vyazemsky Municipality.

Energy savings were reinvested into two different ways: first, in accordance with the Cooperative’s Charter with the participation of the rural initiative group of Avan Settlement and second, in accordance with Ordinance # 58 issued by the head of the municipality on June 2, 2008 “On the procedure of determining and using municipal budget savings on electricity and heat”.

The resolution on the targeted use of a certain percentage of the cooperative’s profit was passed by the initiative group of Avan Settlement. Profit received by community members from growing vegetables and collecting non-timber forest products increased their standard of living and motivated them to start private farms.

Project Complex contact:
Lubov Bevetskaya, head of the Department fro Economic Policy of Vyazemsky Municipal Administration

Contact information:
8 Kommunisticheskaya St., Vyazemsky, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682950
Tel./fax 8(42153)-31636, e-mail: vzmadmecon@vzm.kht.ru

Organizations, members of the Project Consortium:




Avan Settlement Administration


Municipal governance

Vyazemsky Municipal Administration


Municipal governance

Spektr, a municipal unitary utilities and housing enterprise

municipal utilities service

Utilities and housing services

Duration (months)


Start date

01/09/ 2008

End date



Introduction of innovative mechanisms promoting sustainable economic development in settlements of Vyazemsky Municipality through the development of agricultural production

Avan Settlement Administration

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project changed the form of ownership of the former cheese dairy from regional to municipal; organized an initiative group and with its participation founded an agricultural consumer cooperative (specializing in vegetable growing and non-timber forest products); drew up a business plan of the cooperative that included signing contracts with community members for growing vegetables; established a network of points (in 4 settlements) for procuring non-timber forest products from the population; started the production and marketing of vegetables and non-timber forest products; conducted a contest for the best image of the brand Vyazemsky Product; and organized a vegetable fair as a promotional event for the new brand.

Avan Settlement (cooperative) and 3 settlements in Vyazemsky Raion (procurement points: Kotikovo, Krasitskoye and Sheremetevo settlements)

Contact information:
10 Sadovaya St., Avan Settlement, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682946
Tel. 8(42153)-44331, fax 8(42153) 44-3-19, e-mail: vzmadmecon@vzm.kht.ru

Project coordinator:
Alexander Malakhov, head of Avan Settlement

Project objectives:

Help increase the standard of living in the community through a revival of rural economic activities, inlcuding vegetable growing, on the basis of involving citizens into agricultural partnerships and cooperatives. Establish a network for setting up collective facilities for growing, processing and marketing vegetables and collecting and processing non-timber forest products – which resulted in the appearance of permanent and temporary jobs. Strengthen the image of Vyazemsky Raion as the largest vegetable-growing center of the region.

Final results:

Total project cost  $67 000

Own contribution $42 000

Received amount $25 000



Village Fireworks (involving community activists and youth in rural cultural activities)

Vyazemsky Municipal Administration

Type of organization: government

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project organized two contests of rural social projects that have become traditional events. These contests helped involve citizens and businesses into community economic development and self-management. Residents of settlements took an active part in decision-making regarding the cultural development of their communities. A special body – Alliance of Initiative Groups - was formed under the auspices of the head of the municipal administration.    

Settlements Avan, Venukovo, Glebovo, Zabaikalskoye, Kapitonovka, Krastiskoye, Kukelevo, Otradnoye, Sheremetevo, Kotikovo, Kedrovo, Vidnoye, Vinogradovka and Sadovoye (total number of residents – 6,000).

Contact information:
8 Kommunisticheskaya St., Vyazemsky, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682950
Tel. 8(42153)-33297, fax 8(42153)-33707.

Project coordinator:
Galina Avdushina, lead specialties of the Department for Youth Policy, Culture and Sports

Project objectives:

The project involved the residents of other settlements (there are 17 settlements in this raion) into the process of community cultural development and into sports and culture events that help bring community members together. This made rural life more interesting and give community members and, especially, youth an opportunity of self-realization.

Final results:

Total project cost $63 000

Own contribution $43 000

Received amount $20 000



Installation of energy-saving equipment at water inlets in 9 settlements of Vyazemsky Municipality

Spektr, a municipal unitary utilities and housing enterprise

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date February 28, 2009

Project summary:

This project replaced the old immersed pumps and additional equipment at water inlets in 9 settlements (Avan, Venukovo, Glebovo, Zabaikalskoye, Kapitonovka, Krasitskoye, Sheremetevo, Kedrovo, and Sadovoye) with the energy-efficient ones and partially replaced the water distribution system and water hydrants. 

The settlements of Avan, Venukovo, Glebovo, Zabaikalskoye, Kapitonovka, Krastiskoye, Sheremetevo, Kedrovo, and Sadovoye with a total population of 4,500 people.

Contact information:
7 Zheleznodorozhnaya St., Dormidontovka Settlement, Vyazemsky Raion, Khabarovsk Krai 682965,
Tel/fax 8(42153)-45236, e-mail: GKHSPEKTR@rambler.ru

Project coordinator:
Vladimir Pikaluk, director of Spektr, a municipal unitary utilities and housing enterprise.

Project objectives:

Stopping excess power consumption caused by the ineffective operation of existing immersed pumps in the settlements of Avan, Venukovo, Glebovo, Zabaikalskoye, Kapitonovka, Krasitskoye, Sheremetevo, Kedrovo, and Sadovoye. Reducing irregularities in the water supply system caused mainly by the obsolete equipment and networks (60%). Increasing the quality of utilities services.

Final results:

Total project cost $65 760

Own contribution $42 760

Received amount $23 000


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