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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex

Save a Drop and You Will Save the World

(Saved municipal budget funds – for the development of the social sector)

Grant amount  $59 932   Grantee contribution $95 436   Total cost  $155 368

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:


Municipality Profile:

The city of Zima in Irkutsk Oblast is a large railroad station of the East-Siberian Railroad with a population of 34,000 people. It is the birthplace of the well-known poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko.  In Zima, there are a high percentage of professionals, especially, in the health care sector. During recent years, a certain deterioration of the economic and demographic situations has been occurring. Large enterprises, major employers, such as the electrochemical, wood rosin and hydrolysis plants, were either shut down or have curtailed production, thus increasing the level of unemployment. Community development priorities include a modernization of the physical infrastructure of social institutions and an improvement of human health.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex

The systemic impact of the projects was strengthened by their implementation in the social services sector – children’s and health institutions of the community. The effort to save energy and reduce payments for heating and hot water in educational institutions of the city created additional funds that were reinvested in the social sector. The key areas of the projects - strengthening families and improving the health of children and women – were also state policy priorities, especially in 2008, which was the Family Year. The complex of interrelated projects was supported by the municipal administration and all sectors of the community, which served as a guarantee of the sustainability of project results and their collective synergetic effect.

The project complex was fulfilled in the framework of the Middle Term Integrated Zima Socio-Economic Development Program scheduled through 2012, with the accumulated experience serving as an example for replication in Irkutsk Oblast through the Association of Siberian and RFE Cities.

Project Complex contact:
Galina Andreyeva, head of the Department of Socio-Economic Development Analysis and Forecasting at Zima Municipal Administration

Contact information:
5 Lenina St., Zima, Irkutsk Oblast 665390
Tel./fax 8(39514)-32252, e-mail: econom_admzima@mail.ru

Organizations, members of the Project Consortium:




Zima Education Department


Governance of the municipal

 education systems

Zima City Hospital


Health care services to the population

Youth Sports School


After-school physical education

Duration (months)


Start date

01/09/ 2008

End date



Cost Optimization – Key to Future Development (modernization of heating systems in 4 educational institutions and installation of heating and hot water meters)

Zima Education Department

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date February 28, 2009

Project summary:

This project modernized heating systems in four children’s educational institutions of the city: School # 9, Kindergartens ## 11 and 16, and the Youth Sports School. These activities included acquiring and installing heat and hot water meters and monitoring costs and illness frequency in the children. Energy savings were reinvested into addressing the social needs of these institutions.

Zima Municipal Education System 

Contact information:
65 Maxima Gorkogo St., Zima, Irkutsk Oblast 665390
Tel. 8(39514)-31046, fax 8(39514)-31153, e-mail: gorooz@irmail.ru

Project coordinator:
Elena Boiko, lead specialist for financial and economic activities

Project objectives:

Modernization of heating systems in four children’s educational institutions; reduction of heat consumption; enhancing the effectiveness of spending by educational institutions and reinvestment of savings into the social sector. Creation of an optimal temperature mode in kindergartens, thus facilitating a decrease of respiratory illnesses among the children.

Final results:

Total project cost $58 775

Own contribution $38 298

Received amount $20 477



Healthy Family – Healthy Children – Healthy Nation (promoting reproductive health of women, residents of Zima)

Zima City Hospital

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date May 1, 2009

Project summary:

This project organized a family planning room for conducting mass public education activities and training primary care physicians in this subject; monitored family reproductive health; conducted regular examinations of women of fertile age and adolescent girls of 14-16 year of age with the use of modernized ultrasonic equipment capable of early detection of new growth; and provided modern certified contraceptives to low-income families under constant supervision of the gynecologists of the hospital.


Contact information:
88 Kalinina St., Zima, Irkutsk Oblast 665382
Tel. 8(39514)-32686, fax 8(39514)-31876,
e-mail: zimamuz@yandex.ru

Project coordinator:
Irina Stelmakh, head doctor of Zima City Hospital

Project objectives:

Addressing the issue of family planning and improving the state of reproductive health in women of fertile age by providing mass public information about the harm of abortions (there is a high rate of abortions in this city – in 2007 over 820 among 9,300 women of fertile age). Outfitting the existing ultrasound equipment to make it capable of performing detailed examinations. Saving municipal funds spent on treating advanced cases of chronic gynecological illnesses, abortions and the consequent health rehabilitation of women.

Final results:

Total project cost $36 330

Own contribution $17 438

Received amount $18 892



Sports Makes You Healthier (building children’s sports grounds) 

Youth Sports School

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

Improving four sports grounds of Schools ## 1, 7, 8 and 11 (disassembly of the old and installation of new equipment); organizing sports and cultural mass activities for children, adolescents and their families; and advertising healthy lifestyles.

Zima Municipality

Contact information:
10a Lenina St., Zima, Irkutsk Oblast 665390
Tel. 8(39514)-32441, fax 8(39514)-31153,
e-mail: gorooz@irmail.ru

Project coordinator:
Sergei Seleznev, headmaster of the Youth Sports School

Project objectives:

Provision of more sports facilities for children and creation of modern, low-cost all-purpose sports grounds as places of recreation and physical development for children and also sites of athletic tournaments. Improving children’s physical fitness and health.

Final results:

Total project cost $60 263

Own contribution $39 700

Received amount $20 563


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