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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex

Motivating innovative approaches in the community and enhancing public participation by using examples of tested projects 

Grant amount  $69 470   Grantee contribution $77 316   Total cost  $146 786

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

Municipality Profile:

Tisulskoye and the neighboring Tyazhinsky Municipalities (population – 64,000; area – 12,000 sq. km) are located in the northeast of Kemerovo Oblast, which is a sparsely populated region with such industries as mining, forest and agricultural. Tisulsky Raion is known for its unique tourist potential that includes 17 natural and historical sites. Among these are Kiya River with its white-stone reach, which is one of the most picturesque places in Kuzbass, mineral springs, and a dinosaur burial site near Shestakovo village. On the adjacent area, there are 50 human burial grounds, burial mounds and other archeological attractions.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:

A reduction of municipal budget spending for energy by shifting to an efficient use of local energy resources made it possible to save funds and reinvest them into energy-efficient techniques.

The project complex developed practical mechanisms for ensuring community financial and economic self-sustainability.

Interaction and cooperation between the consortium and the local administration were formed and strengthened and, as a result, optimal decisions on community development were adopted regarding energy saving and the improvement of social and cultural facilities.

The quality of utilities services was improved.

The active participation of youth in the projects motivated innovative thinking and significantly increased youth civic engagement. Savings were directed to Tisulsky Raion Small Business Support Fund, a non-profit organization that was registered after the end of the project. The funds were received by this organization in accordance with budget line “Support of entrepreneurship”. The consolidated budget of the Fund was used for a small loans program. Plans include founding an ordinary partnership in accordance with Article 1041 of the Russian Federation Civil Code. The participants in the partnership acted on the basis of a joint activities agreement and its books were kept by the applicant, INPTS INNOTEK in accordance with Article 1043 of the Russian Federation Civil Code. The status of an ordinary partnership allows its participants to invest money, property, professional knowledge (including know-how), skills, business reputation  and business ties in a collective business (Article 1042). The members of the consortium and the Tisulsky Raion Small Business Support Fund were the participants in the partnership.

Project Complex contact:
Sergei Nikitenko, director of INPTS INNOTEK  LLP

Contact information:
28 Vesennyaya St. , Office 1217, Kemerovo 650026
Tel. 8(3842)-582053, fax 8(3842)-580117, e-mail nsm.nis@kuzstu.ru

Organizations, members of the Project Consortium:




Kuzbass State Technical University


Research and development in all industrial spheres. Training qualified professionals in the specialty Industrial Ecology and Heat Power Engineering.  Design and engineering support to replicated projects. Manufacture of nonstandard equipment and tools.



Research and development of tested innovations and techniques on the basis of founding small innovation companies in a whole range of areas; expert evaluation of heat and electric power losses; and educational services for young creative engineers and coaching.

Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry


Educational and scientific research activities in the sphere of preparing professionals for the food industry.

Kemerovo State University


Commercialization of the results of applied studies. Testing and introducing results along with educating professionals in various industrial branches. Replication of successful experience through exhibitions and seminars.

Duration (months)


Start date

01/10/ 2008

End date



High-technology and cost-effective heating for cultural and social institutions

Kuzbass State Technical University

Type of organization: government

Start date October 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project introduced new types of fuel – briquettes made of mining and timber industry waste with a high calorific efficiency. The ash of these briquettes is an environmentally sound fertilizer. A low-cost modernization of heating systems in municipal institutions was also carried out.

Populated centers of Tisulsky Municipality (Komsomolsky, Moskovka, Makarak, and Gorodok).

Contact information:
28 Vesennyaya St., Office 1217, Kemerovo 650026
Tel. 8(3842)-582053, fax 8(3842)-500117,
e-mail: nsm.nis@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Sergei Nikitenko, head of NIS.

Project objectives:

Considerably decreasing heat losses and increasing the efficiency of municipal utilities systems. Cutting municipal budget spending and reducing subsidizes for energy supply.

Final results:

The heating system in the Community Center in Novo-Maryinka settlement was modernized, as well as the operating system of the small business of processing vegetables located in Itaksky settlement – which makes it possible to decrease heat losses by 20% and reduce energy consumption by 30%.  Activities to arrange the processing of mining and timber waste into fuel briquettes with a high heating efficiency were completed.

Total project cost $55 270

Own contribution $30 750

Received amount $24 520



Sustainable community development based on rational forest management
(Profit from Waste)

Research and Development Innovation Center - INNOTEK LLP

Type of organization:  business

Start date October 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project conducted a series of activities to restore the natural balance by cleaning the forest from sawed wood and processing it into a product that is in demand in the community; and promoted rational forest use through forest sanitation.

Settlements in Tisulskoye Municipality (Komsomolsky and Makarak).

Contact information:
P.O.B.  1033, Kemerovo 650000
Tel. 8(38447)-62356, fax 8(3842)-582053,
e-mail: innotech2008@kemnet.ru, nsm.nis@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Mikhail Shevyakin, chief engineer.

Project objectives:

Cleaning forests from sawed wood, which has accumulated as a result of the liquidation of lumber companies and which creates a threat of contaminating the forest with bark beetle and fungus. Preventing mass contamination of forests around settlements by bark beetle and fungus and setting up facilities for processing waste into timber.

Final results:

Total project cost $28 100

Own contribution $14 400

Received amount $13 700



Picking wild berries and producing syrups as food supplements

Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry

Type of organization:  government

Start date October 1, 2008

End date May 31, 2009

Project summary:

During the winter of 2008/09, this project organized rowan berry picking by community members. The berries were processed into syrup at Lena, a small business located in Novokuznetsky Raion.

Komsomolsk, Makarak and Natalyevka Settlements in Tisulskoye Raion occupying a total area of 8,100 sq. km and inhabited by 27,500 people.
Tyazhinsky Raion occupies an area of 3,500 sq. Km and is inhabited y 29,400 persons.

Contact information:
47 Stroitlelei Boulevard, Kemerovo 650056
Tel. 8(3842)-256677, e-mail: nir@kemtipp.ru

Project coordinator:
Larisa Maurnikova, head of the Public Catering Department at Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry.

Project objectives:

In the local taiga, there are extensive reserves of wild fruits and berries and medicinal plants that may be processed into high-quality food products. However, the municipality lacks processing facilities without which these indigenous products cannot be used by the community. Organizing collection and processing of these primary products made it possible to produce functional food products and also ensure year-round employment for local residents.

Final results:

Community members collected cranberry tree berries  (3,5 t) which were processed  by a local small business Lena located in Novokuznetsky raion into syrups that are balanced food additives intended for senior citizens. A decision was made to open a similar processing shop in Tyazhinsky raion.

Total project cost $47 800

Own contribution $24 400

Received amount $23 400



Starting a production of ciderplast to promote health in the community

Kemerovo State University

Type of organization: government

Start date October 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

Collecting and processing shells from cedar cones and nuts at SibTech, a local small business, into a health product, Cedarplast, and using it as a finishing material in a children’s home, kindergarten, a home for the elderly and in local schools.

Tisulsky Raion (and additionally Tyazhninsky Raion), Kemerovo Oblast. Population – 27,500 people.

Contact information:
6 Krasnaya St., Kemerovo, 650043
Tel. 8(3842)-583252, fax 8(3842)-583885, e-mail: patent@kemsu.ru

Project coordinator:
Ludmila Patrakova, head of the Department for the Protection and Commercialization of Intellectual Property.

Project objectives:

Disease prevention and health activities aimed at reducing the number of respiratory illnesses; addressing the issue of waste utilization; and promoting an increase of the employment level and personal incomes.

Final results:

Total project cost $15 616

Own contribution $7 766

Received amount $7 850


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