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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex

The City We Are Creating

Grant amount  $49 500   Grantee contribution $30 083    Total cost  $79 583

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

Municipality Profile:

The city of Revda with a population of 63,300 is located in Sverdlovskaya Oblast. The boundary between Europe and Asia passes through this location.

Revda is called “the first city of Europe” (this raion capital is the closest to the boundary between Europe and Asia) and is one the oldest cities in the Urals.  Its four major industrial plants belong to large Ural metallurgical holdings – Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (Middle-Urals Copper Smelting Plant and Revda Brick Factory), Russian Copper Company and Metallurgical Holding (Revda Electrometallurgy Plant). Revda is  characterized as an «environmental distress area”  being one of the most polluted cities of the region.

Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:

The joint implementation of a series of projects in the sphere of community services aimed at ensuring the accessibility and high quality of these services in such areas as physical culture and sports, protection and improvement of human health, and tackling environmental problems helped improve conditions in a local kindergarten, save municipal funds and lower the rate of respiratory illnesses among preschoolers.

The projects were aimed at advertising the ideas of conservation, patriotism and civic awareness. Savings were channeled to the further development of the projects, in particular, to involving community members in sports activities, health activities and broadening the range of offered services.

Project Complex contact:
Marina Naftullina, head of the Environmental Protection and Nature Use Department of Revda Municipal Administration.

Contact information:
4 Spartaka St., Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast 623281
tel. 8 (34397)-30814, 30813,
fax 8(34397)-30778, e-mail gorodrewda@rsity.ru Natfmarina@yandex.ru

Organizations, members of the Project Consortium:




Kindergarten # 17


Preschool education

Revda City Administration


City governance

Children’s and Youth Center, an after-school education institution


Additional education

Duration (months)


Start date

01/09/ 2008

End date



We Can Be Useful

Kindergarten # 17

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date January 31, 2009

Project summary:

This project involved replacing old windows (40% deteriorated) in Kindergarten # 17, which was opened in 1978, with new ones made of modified materials of special strength and provided with environmental certificates. The benefits included a lesser scope of any repairs and a reduction of heat loss. After the new plastic windows were installed, the indoor temperature in the kindergarten was optimized and the rate of illnesses among the children was reduced by 31.5% a month and among the staff by 10%.

Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast

Contact information:
49 Tsvetnikov St., Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast 623280 tel/fax. 8(34397)-34700,
e-mail: Det_sadik@uraltc.ru

Project coordinator:
Ludmila Radionova, head of Kindergarten #17

Project objectives:

Saving energy resources and municipal funds spent for heating the kindergarten;

Advertising healthy lifestyles through a system of effective psycho-hygienic conditions (easy cleaning and maintaining of the new windows);

Reducing health risk factors and the illness rate among the children and the staff of the kindergarten as a result of optimized indoor temperature.

Final results:

Total project cost $30 500

Own contribution      $6 000

Received amount   $24 500


Clean Air (installation of air purification systems in a kindergarten)

Revda City Administration

Type of organization: government

Start date  September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

The rate of illnesses of the upper respiratory tract and allergies in children living in Revda is one of the highest in the region. This project acquired and installed air cleaning devices AIRLIFE in the playrooms and bedrooms of Kindergaren # 21. This allowed to reduce the degree of chemical and microbial contamination of indoor air. In the future, this experience will be disseminated not only in other pre-school institutions but also in schools, after-school education centers and medical institutions of the city.


Contact information:
21 Tsvetnikov St., Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast 623281
tel. 8(34397)-30814, 30813, fax 8(34397) -30778, e-mail: gorodrewda@rsity.ru    Natfmarina@yandex.ru

Project coordinator:
Marina Naftullina, head of the Environmental Protection and Nature Use Department of Revda Municipal Administration

Project objectives:

Reduction of the chemical environmental impact on child health and of health risks, in particular, those associated with environmentally induced illnesses of the upper respiratory track. Lowering the illness rate in the kindergarten by 40%, including such droplet infections as chickenpox.

Final results:

Total project cost $17 000

Own contribution $7 000

Received amount  $10 000



Kamennoye Natural Landmark (environmental trail and protection of a nature monument)

Children’s and Youth Center, an after-school education institution

Type of organization: government

Start date  September 1,  2008

End date  June 1, 2009

Project summary:

This project involved founding a city youth health center that offers such activities as excursions, hikes and recreation in Kamennoye Natural Landmark, which is a local nature monument. New jobs were created for the local youth, including adolescents registered with the Revda Commission for Juvenile Affairs; tourist routes were planned and maps with their descriptions were drawn. The city athletes now have a chance to participate in sports events, such as skiing, cross-country racing, and quadracycle contests. A recreation site in the wilderness became available to community members.

Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Kamennoye Natural landmark, a 22-km path

Contact information:
38 Pavla Zykina St., Revda, Sverdlovskaya Oblast 623286
Tel./fax 8(34397)-21330,
e-mail: sport_revda@uraltc.ru, EvgeniyaVoit@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Yevgenia Boit, chair of the Committee for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of Revda City Administration

Project objectives:

Instilling in local adolescents an appreciation of local nature and of their home city and engaging them in socially useful activities. Preventing child neglect and juvenile delinquency in the city of Revda.

Final results:

Total project cost $32 083

Own contribution $17 083

Received amount $15 000


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