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The Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex

Through Civic Initiatives to Local Community Development in

Pozharsky Raion

Grant amount  $70 000   Grantee contribution $79 715   Total cost  $149 715

Thematic projects included in the Project Complex:

Municipality Profile:

Pozharsky Raion (22,670 sq. km) with a population of 32,000 people, of which 22,300 live in Luchegorsk, is situated in the north of Primorsky Krai. The raion was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Pozharsky who was killed in action in 1938 during hostilities between the Soviet Union and Japan at Lake Hasan. The main industries of this raion, which was founded in 1939, are coal mining and electric power production. It has a high unemployment rate, agriculture is in a state of complete deterioration, nevertheless, in rural areas, and there is an obvious raise of civic activity.


Community problems addressed by the Project Complex:

In 2007, as  a result of the SAM Program, which was managed by the Green House NGO from Khabarovsk, in four settlements of the raion (Nagornoye, Pozharskoye, Svetlogorye and Kransy Yar) initiative groups of local activists were formed to implement social projects. Under the municipal targeted small grants program similar initiative groups of local residents have appeared in Luchegorsk Settlement. The participants in these groups decided to pool multi-stakeholder development efforts and to found a Local Development Center as an alliance of initiative groups, rural activist groups, heads of rural municipalities and businesses willing to facilitate development in their settlements and in the raion on the whole. This initiative can help address many local concerns, specifically:

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:

The participation in the consortium of a host of organizations and public associations (rural and urban communities, a municipal organization and a non-profit organization) made it possible to form a model partnership community and pool efforts to develop an integrated approach to addressing issues related to socio-economic community development. This, in turn, made the development process sustainable and the successful experience accessible and replicable. Public participation in projects jointly with NGOs facilitated effective social partnerships and alliances, thus ensuring multi-sector participation in development. The project complex engaged community members in the process of planning and in local self-government. All this strengthened civil society in Pozharsky Raion.

Municipal budget funds saved on heat under the project “Introducing energy-saving techniques and increasing the number of places for children in Kindergarten # 16” were channeled to a kindergarten development program authorized by the raion Duma and the head of the raion administration. Municipal budget funds saved on lighting in Luchegorsk under the project “Implementation of a complex of measures to ensure safe living conditions in Luchegorsk” were used as additional funding for the municipal grants program. Savings resulting from the kindergarten development initiative were spent on energy-efficiency in kindergartens and for opening new vacancies in kindergartens.

Project Complex contact:
Konstantin Nabiulin, coordinator of the Regional Center of Pervotsvet Socio-Environmental Organization

Contact information:
17 Pervyi Mikroraion, Luchegorsk, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 692001,
Tel. 8(42357)-22775, fax 8 (42357)-21966 e-mail flowerspring@mail.ru

Organizations, members of the Project Complex:




Pervotsvet Socio-Environmental Organization


Education, conservation, civil society, media relations

Luchegorsk Municipal Administration


Municipal governance

Pozharskoye Municipal Administration


Municipal Governance

Svetlogorskoye Municipal Administration


Municipal Governance

Department for Education of Pozharsky Municipality


Promotion of education in Pozharsky Raion

Duration (months)


Start date

01/09/ 2008

End date



Founding a Civic Development Center

Pervotsvet Socio-Environmental Organization of

Type of organization: NGO

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project founded and registered as an NGO a Civic Development Center that unites initiative groups and citizens and organizes environmental and social volunteer activities and events in Luchegorsk and other settlements. Community members, including youth, were involved in these activities. An Information Agency was opened at the Center with the aim of uniting public media outlets in the community and covering project complex activities.

Pozharsky Raion, and the settlements of Luchegorsk, Verkhne-Perevalskoye, Nagornenskoye and Fedosyevskoye with a total population of 26,000 people.

Contact information:
P.O.B. 4, Luchegorsk, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 692001,
Tel. 8 (42357)-22775, fax 8 (42357) 21966, e-mail: flowerspring@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Konstantin Nabiulin, coordinator of the Regional Center of Pervotsvet Socio-Environmental Organization

Project objectives:

Enhancing public participation, including youth, in addressing local issues and in planning and developing their communities. Promoting interaction among government, NGOs, the mass media, business and citizens. Providing a sufficient number of sports grounds and playgrounds in the community. Increasing the communications components of the projects. Improving the organization and procedure of municipal contests.

Final results:

Total project cost $25 000

Own contribution $10 000

Received amount $15 000

Community Development Support Program in the Russian Federation. Round 4

Project Complex Through Civic Initiatives to Local Community Development in Pozharsky Raion



Implementation of a complex of measures to ensure safe living conditions in Luchegorsk

Luchegorsk Municipal Administration

Type of organization: government

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

Light lines in the streets of Luchegorsk were modernized and new energy-efficient lamps were installed that provide better quality illumination of dangerous parts of the roads. Thanks to energy savings, additional funds were used for financing the municipal grant program “Safe Recreation Sites for Children”. A system of public video monitoring and recording was installed on busy crossings of the settlement and in local schools. Traffic lanes and pedestrian crossings were marked, road signs were installed, and a site for studying traffic rules was set up at the children’s autodrome where the traffic police conducts training for schoolchildren.


Contact information:
Public Center, Bldng.  1, Luchegorsk, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 692001
Tel. 8(42357)-21612, fax 8(42357)-25252, e-mail: starevgenij@yandex.ru

Project coordinator:
Yevgeny Starchenko, head of the Housing and Utilities Service

Project objectives:

Improving the quality of lighting in the streets of Luchegorsk in evening and nighttime. Providing the community with a sufficient number of playgrounds and sports grounds. Increase road safety as a result of improving the marking of pedestrian crossings, installation of road signs, teaching schoolchildren traffic rules, and installing a system of public video monitoring.

Final results:

Total project cost $61 215

Own contribution $42 715

Received amount $18 500



Cultural community development in Pozharskoye Settlement

Pozharskoye Municipal Administration

Type of organization: government

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

Under this project, the initiative group carried out a set of measures aimed at motivating cultural development in the community, including the repair and decorating an open-air stage and improving the area surrounding the community center. The equipment that was acquired as part of the project helped to activate the existing creative groups and form new ones, including hobby groups. The creative groups performed in other settlements, thus initiating cultural activities in the raion. During their tour, they met with initiative groups from other communities to share experience. Project activities were covered by the Information Agency of the Civic Development Center.

Pozharskoye Settlement, population -1,591 people.

Contact information:
22 Leninskaya St., Pozharskoye Settlement, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 692020
Tel. 8(42357)-34180.

Project coordinator:
Galina Antimirova, head of the settlement’s community center

Project objectives:

Creation of conditions for the successful functioning of creative groups that were provided with costumes, modern audio and visual equipment, and musical instruments. Increasing the level of culture and public involvement and, especially, of the local youth. Bringing community members closer together on the eve of the 110th anniversary of Pozharskoye Settlement and the 70th anniversary of Pozharsky Raion.

Final results:

Total project cost $14 000

Own contribution $4 000

Received amount $10 000



Organizing athletic and tourist activities in Svetlogorye Settlement

Svetlogorskoye Municipal Administration

Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project built a 6 m wide and 5 km long ski piste in the recreation area of the settlement; set up resting sites; improved a 5-m forest belt along the road; make special devices for aligning and creating a ski-track; organized ski mounting gear rental; and built and installed lifting gates and warning signs. In the summer, the piste was used as a tourist trail and for mountain biking.  Community members cleaned and improved the piste and set up rest points.

Svetlogorskoye Settlement

Contact information:
4 V.Khomyakova St., Svetlogorskoye Settlement, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 92020
Tel. 8(42357)-35432, fax 8(42357)-35265, e-mail: admssp@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Alexander Tuyushev, head of Svetlogorskoye Municipal Administration

Project objectives:

Creating new jobs in the community, where the existing mining enterprise has almost exhausted all available mineral resources.

Developing a recreation area on the northeastern slope of Sapun Mountain Ridge (building a skiing and mountain skiing pists, a tubbing hill, and a rest site) as the foundation of a tourist infrastructure and a place for community recreation and health activities.

Final results:

Total project cost $11 500

Own contribution $4 000

Received amount $7 500



Introducing energy-saving techniques and increasing the number of places for children in Kindergarten # 16

Department for Education of Pozharsky Municipality Type of organization: municipal

Start date September 1, 2008

End date June 30, 2009

Project summary:

This project installed plastic window units, heat meters and an automated individual heating point in Kindergarten # 16 in Novostroika Settlement and, as a result, helped save municipal budget funds and test a mechanism of their reinvestment in a program for the further development of local kindergartens. Project activities also included forming an initiative group of parents that joined the Civic Development Center. This group took part in repairing vacant space in the kindergarten and creating two new furnished rooms for the children equipped with furniture and provided with supplies and toys. Communications support was provided jointly with the Civic Development Center.

Novostroika Settlement, Pozharsky Raion – population 2,450 people.

Contact information:
Chetvyorty Mikroraion, 2 Administrative Bldng., Luchegorsk Settlement, Pozharsky Raion, Primorsky Krai 692028
Tel. 8 (42357) 22-3-25, fax 8 (42357) 21-5-32, e-mail: duma-25@mail.ru

Project coordinator:
Tatiana Kravchenko, head of staff of Pozharsky Raion Duma

Project objectives:

Increasing the number of places in the kindergarten with the aim of removing an obstacle to community development. Improving conditoins in the kindergarten by creating a comfortable temperature mode. Saving local budget funds through the use of energy-efficiency techniques and reinvesting them into refurbishing the kindergarten. Instilling civic responsibility in young parents by involving them in volunteer work in the kindergarten. Creating conditions for young mothers to return to their jobs. Creation of new jobs.

Final results:

Total project cost $38 000

Own contribution $19 000

Received amount $19 000

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