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The Projects of CDSP Round 2 in Baikal Region Are Successfully Completed

Photo. 1. A new heat meter was installed in Kindergarten # 14

In the course of Round 2 of the Community Development Support Program in Baikal Region, 7 projects of 2 consortiums were successfully fulfilled in the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk Oblast, and in Tarbagataisky Raion, Republic of Buryatia.

The Project Complex “Our success is based on each and everyone’s initiative: sustainable development in Cheremkhovo” carried out in the city of Cheremkhovo, consisted of 4 projects.

Project 1 “From Metering to Saving” involved a partial modernization and adjustment of heating systems in five educational institutions and an installation of heat and hot water meters. Elevator equipment was checked, some units were replaced and the heating systems were partially repaired and adjusted in four large educational institutions of the city (Middle School # 1, Elementary School/Kindergarten # 1 and Kindergartens ## 7 and 41). As a result of this project, 5 heating and hot water meters were installed as well as 5 hot water regulators (Photo 1); the annual consumption of heating decreased by 20% (625 Gcal) and hot water by 15% (863 m3). Five plumbers responsible for heat supply in these institutions were certified. These four institutions collectively saved $1,730 (41,100 rubles) of budget funds on payments for electricity and heating. According to an ordinance issued by the city’s Mayor, the savings will be used for monitoring and installing new gages (heating meters and temperature regulators). Optimal indoor temperature, which means comfortable conditions for over 1,600 children and staff, is now maintained in these institutions; and the quality of educational services has also improved. A contest of small social projects was held to raise funds from businesses (AB Technology LLC) and   Cheremkhovo Philanthropic Foundation from Cheremkhovo; support was provided to energy-efficiency activities in other children’s institutions; and children’s sports grounds were improved.

Photo 2. A new freestanding veranda in Kindergarten # 7Photo 3. A new swimming pool in Kindergarten # 7

Project 2 “Yes to Health!” included improving the area of Kindergarten # 7 to create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of 315 children. Four summerhouses (Fig 2), one freestanding veranda, and six benches were made and installed, three flights of stairs leading to the kindergarten yard were replaced, and a small swimming pool was restored (Photo 3).  Local volunteers from among the students of Vocational School # 9, parents, members of the Pensioners Council, and other community members took an active part in project activities. They put in flowerbeds, planted trees and painted the structures of the playground. The kindergarten used its own funds to purchase baseball caps for the participants in sporting events and games. A contest of sketch designs for improving and landscaping the area around the kindergarten was held among and children attending Kindergarten # 7 and their parents. At this institution, 33 sports and game events were organized for almost 2,000 children from other kindergartens and the community. The level of respiratory illnesses among the children dropped 30% (54 cases a year) and of locomotor disorders - 40% in children with such disorders, and the children in general became more physically fit than before.

Photo 4. New kitchen equipment in School #3

Photo 5. The walls of the cafeteria in School # 3 were decorated by the students

Project 3 “Regular Meals – Healthy Students”. This project modernized the school cafeteria and installed modern equipment making it possible to provide 620 children with hot meals. These activities included acquiring and installing a new 6-burner stove, a hot food warmer, an electric frying pan, a freezer, 2 three-section sinks, and a water heater (Photo 4) instead of the old out-dated ones. A monitoring of 620 pupils showed that in 40% of them the risk of intestinal diseases had reduced 40%. Nine new jobs were created and a delivery of meals to 4 other city schools was organized, with food for children from low-income families being subsidized by the city. At this school, a centralized city school-catering complex is being created. The pupils adorned the walls of the newly renovated cafeteria with drawings and ornaments (Photo 5) and placed groups of houseplants in it.

Photo 6. New sports equipment in the workout room in School # 32

Project 4 “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body” involved modernizing and equipping a gym in School # 32 for regular sports training of 493 students, for which a specially designated room was renovated and turned into a workout room (Photo 6) with funding from the City Education Department. The gym was provided with multi-functional and all-purpose exercising machines, barbells and other equipment. Since many students of this school are participants and winners in regional and city ski races, 41 pairs of skis and ski shoes were acquired. Under this project, 68 schools and 10 inter-school sports tournaments were held and up to 1,000 students took part in health and tourist activities. A regular monitoring of the children’s health has shown that the risk of respiratory and locomotor system illnesses decreased 25-30% in this school. The school made a sizeable contribution of $1,722 (41,000 rubles) into the purchase of new sports equipment. Training seminars were organized for students, parents, educators and the community members (800 attendees) to increase public awareness about the role of sports in strengthening health and reducing the risk of illness.



Synergetic effect of the Project Complex:
The systemic impact of the projects is gained through their implementation in the social sector, i.e., in children’s institutions. The energy-efficiency activities and the effort to strengthen the children’s health and the projects devoted to improving areas around kindergartens were supported by the city’s administration and all sectors of the community, which, in turn, ensured the sustainability of the projects and their synergetic effect. The project complex was carried out in the framework of the Cheremkhovo Middle-Term Integrated Social and Economic Development Program scheduled till 2012. Project experience will be used as an example for replication by the Association of Siberian and Russian Far East Cites.

The Project Complex “Sustainable Development of a Traditional Community” consisting of 3 project was fulfilled in Tarbagataisky Raion in the Republic of Buryatia

Photo 1. The new combined gas-producer and boiler at the musical school in Tarbagatai Settlement

Project 1  “ Energy-saving in Tarbagataisky Raion” – conversion of coal-burning boilers to the use of alternative fuel included modernizing six boiler plants (in two schools, a centralized library and in two community centers).  These new combined gas-producers and boilers, which replaced the out-dated coal and power boilers, are less energy-consuming and work on wood waste. Severn boilers were installed in the following institutions: school in Khandagatai Settlement; community center in Burnashevo Settlement; community center in Kharitonovka Settlement; and musical school in Tarbagatai Settlement (Photo 1). The boilers in the school in Settlement N-Zhirim and the centralized library in Tarbagatai Settlement that were in a state of failure were replaced with three more efficient water-heating boilers (KV3-0.3), of which two boilers in the school in N-Zhirim Settlement were acquired and installed with funding provided by Heating Lines (Teplovyuye seti) LLP. As a result, power consumption decreased by 21,700-kW/h and coal consumption by 125 t. Total savings from the installation of less energy-consuming boilers amounted to 153,400 rubles (over $6,000). The environmental situation has improved considerably, since hazardous emissions to the atmosphere have dropped by 14% (8.9 t).  By its Ordinance # 585 dated July 4,2008, the administration of Tarbagatai Municipality approved a 2008-2020 Tarbagatai Raion Energy-Efficiency Program. The Raion Energy-Efficiency Program was amended in the part devoted to reinvestment of energy savings; and Regulation # 274 issued by the Administration on July 4, 2008 approved the “Procedure of reinvesting energy savings”. In all municipal organizations, training seminars were held to increase public awareness about energy-efficiency and energy-saving techniques.

Photo 2. Health activities in Solnyshko Kindergarten

Project 2   “Warmth in Solnyshko Kindergarten” (saving energy and heat and improving children’s health) involved a modernization of the heating system of the kindergarten: removal of fire-hazardous electric heaters and the installation of module boiler plant equipment with a boiler working on wood waste. The building of the kindergarten was winterized (13 windows and 3 entrance doors were replaced with new ones) and optimal indoor temperature is now maintained. As a result, energy consumption was reduced by 57% and 21,800 rubles were saved. An Integrated Health and Hardening Program was designed and implemented (Photo 2). As a result of the Program, the children in this kindergarten became healthier, with the number of days missed by one child due to illness dropping 30% (4.9 days). The project’s publications in the press increased public awareness about energy saving and child health protection.




Photo 3. Training seminars sponsored by Tarbagataisky Raion Fund for Small Business and Rural Development

Project 3  “Investing in Warmth – Reinvesting in Wellbeing” (reinvestment of energy savings into social programs) made it possible to develop and pass a new regulation on the Tarbagataisky Raion Fund for Small Business and Rural Development, inlcuding its goals of reinvesting savings and financing social programs. Project activities also included disseminating 120 information leaflets describing this regulation. Amendments to the 2007-2009 Energy Efficiency Program of this community were prepared and introduced. The results of the Project Complex concerning energy-efficiency and reinvestment of energy savings were presented (jointly with the participants in Project 1) to the Energy-Efficiency Council at the Republic of Buryatia Government. A survey conducted in 10 rural settlements (among 482 respondents) to identify local priorities showed a high degree of readiness among community members to participate in activities aimed at improving the quality of their lives. Fourteen training seminars were conducted (Photo 3) in settlements on the following topics: “Public Participation in Rural Development”, “The Basics of Legal Knowledge”, “and Advertising Energy-Saving Behavior”. The seminars were attended by 330 local residents (educators, the staff of community centers and libraries, officials, entrepreneurs and youth). Two raion-level contests of small social projects were funded with raised funds (193, 700 rubles). Out of the 30 applications to these contests 13 targeted toward supporting children, the Public Commission approved youth and socially unprotected categories. A program for managing non-budget funds was also developed for the Fund.

Synergetic effect of the Project Complex
The Project Complex consisting of a variety of interconnected projects and supported by the local administration and all sectors of the community facilitated a synergetic effect of the projects and the sustainable development of the community. Project activities aimed at saving resources and cutting expenses for heating in educational institutions created conditions for improving children’s health and raising additional funds that were reinvested through an open and transparent mechanism of the Local Community Fund into municipal social programs.


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