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Projects of the 6th CDSP Grant-Round Were Launched in Lake Baikal Region


Two projects of the Program were granted support in Lake Baikal Region – one in the city of Baikalsk, Irkutsk Oblast, and the other in Ivolginsky Settlement, Republic of Buryatia. In the process of developing these projects much attention was focused on attaining concrete results in the areas of energy-saving and modernization of social institutions in the respective communities, and also on strengthening local multi-sector interaction. A benchmark study of future project conditions and pre-award programmatic and financial training for grantees were conducted.

In Ivolginsky raion, which is located in the central part of the Republic of Buryatia on the left bank of Selenga River, one of the projects – Wood Waste Utilization Technique and Creation of New Jobs - is being implemented. It is aimed at addressing such topical local issues of  community economic and social as recycling wood waste for use in the local energy system, creation of new jobs and support to small-sized environmentally responsible businesses.

The project involves the development of a system of hogging wood waste, since such waste is not used in this community for heating, and, thus, forest acreage is decreasing rapidly, while stored wood waste, which is also fire hazardous, is contaminating large areas. Under the project, a wood waste grinder will be installed to produce wood chips. This project replicates the successful experience of CDSP projects of using wood waste in heat supply systems (Smolensk Oblast) and also a similar project that was carried out in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast under a Ford Foundation program. New jobs will be created and local fuel will be delivered to boiler plants servicing schools in the settlements of Ivolga, N.Ivolga and Khurumsha.

 Personnel from among local residents will be trained and communications activities will be conducted to disseminate information on how to use large-sized wood waste.

  • Introduction of a technique for utilizing large-sized wood waste (4, 000 m3 a year).
  • Free supply of local fuel (grinded wood waste) for the time of the project for boiler plants servicing social institutions (a school, hospital and community center) in which indoor temperature will, thus, be optimized: from 12-15º to the SanPiN standard of 20-22º.
  • Lower expenses (by 150,000 rubles annually) of social institutions and residents for heating and utilities.
  • Improved environment and better fire safety as a result of the utilization of wood waste.
  • Reduction of ÑÎ2 emissions to the atmosphere by 60% and of background radiation as a result of the shift from coal to bio fuel (environmental effect).
  • Creation of 6 new jobs, personnel training, and replication of experience.


The project Making Life Lighter, the second of the two, was launched in the city of Baikalsk in Sludyansky Raion, Irkutsk Oblast. Project activities include  modernizing street lighting to save energy resources and improve the city environment,

            This city specializes in the production of pulp – its primary employer is Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Plant. The most topical areas of local community development include energy-efficiency and improvement of the city environment and integrated solutions to environmental, social and economic challenges.

            The street lighting modernization will involve the replacement of 75 outdates environmentally hazardous mercury lamps with 100W safe energy-efficient sodium lamps manufactured in Russia (DNa3/). This will be a replication of projects carried out in Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl oblasts devoted to the introduction of sodium lamps.

            The project was initiated by the city administration in accordance with its social and economic development program (the head of the inter-municipal resource center at the city administration is the coordinator of this project). The project has undergone a technical review; and the replaced lamps will be recycled on a centralized basis by Sturktura Company in Irkutsk that holds a license for handling hazardous waste.

            A broad public awareness effort will also be carried out to inform community members about the significance of energy-saving and improving the environmental situation with the aim of making life in the city more safe and creating conditions for the development of ecotourism.

Anticipated project results:

  • Installation of 75 energy-efficient sodium lamps to ensure a reliable and effective work of the city lighting systems.
  • An annual reduction of power consumption by 57,000 kW/h (60-63%).
  • Decrease of expenses by 65,000 rubles due to energy saving.
  • Better and more comfortable conditions in the city and increased traffic safety.
  • Improved environment and more attractive recreation areas (Sobolinaya Mountain is a popular ski resort in this region).
  • Reinvesting energy savings in agreement with the Budget Commission of the City Duma (Parliament) and raising additional funding for financing projects addressing social and environmental issues in the city (purchase of energy-saving equipment for social institutions and co-funding  contests of social and ecobusiness projects)







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