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November 2009.

The Projects of the Last, Fifth, Grant Round of the Community Development Support Program Are Successfully Launched in Lake Baikal Region

Two projects became winners in the project contest of the Community Development Support Program (CDSP) in Baikal Region: one in the city of Svirsk in Irkutsk Oblast and the second in Selenginsk Settlement, Kabansky Raion, in the Republic of Buryatia. While preparing these projects much attention was focused on the importance of achieving practical results in modernizing social services institutions in municipalities and promoting interaction between the projects and the local communities. A benchmark monitoring of the project implementation conditions was conducted as well as pre-award training.

The project “Modernization of the heat supply system in Kindergarten # 33 for children with tuberculosis intoxication and attenuated tuberculosis” in Svirsk will improve conditions for risk group children attending this institution.

The city of Svirsk has a high level of environmental pollution that affects the upper respiratory tract, especially in children. The city has the highest number of tuberculosis cases among the cities of Irkutsk Oblast. This project is being carried out jointly by the Svirsk Local Community Charitable Fund (director- Marina Zmanovskaya) and Kindergarten # 33 (director – Svetlana Bogdanova).

The project is aimed at upgrading the heating system and expanding the health-improvement program in the kindergarten.

At one time the kindergarten accommodates 28 children who come here for rehabilitation (these are mostly children that are in contact with ill parents or are in the tuberculosis risk group) and, thus, during a year up to 60-70 children undergo rehabilitation treatment. Project activities will include replacing 27 windows, 3 entrance doors and installing hot water and heating meters. The latter will help create optimal indoor temperature in the rooms of the kindergarten, make it possible for this institution to pay for actually consumed heat, to save funds and reinvest savings into new social programs for child care institutions. Special devices for disinfecting the premises will also be installed and quartz lamps and other equipment for respiratory tract disease prevention will be provided under this project.

As of present, equipment for physical exercising and improving the general state of health of the children that makes rehabilitation more effective has been acquired under the project. The project is being carried out with support from the City Administration, the Department of Education and public organizations. The mayor of Svirsk, Vladimir Alferov, took part in a site visit to the project during which he pointed out that multi-sector cooperation makes it possible to improve community conditions of life at the cost of consolidated budgets. At a round table organized by the project team and joined by representatives of  ÑÖÏÎÈ, the Siberia Revival Foundation and the East-Siberian Regional Center of the Fund for Sustainable Development, Elena Milanova, projects manager of the Fund spoke about project activities in Lake Baikal Region and handed over to the city’s mayor a new edition of “CDSP Best Practices”.

In Selenga Settlement, the implementation of the project “From energy-efficiency to improving conditions in Selenga TB Dispensary (Republic of Buryatia)” has begun. This project, which is being carried out by Bereg Nonprofit Partnership (director – Olga Myznikova) and Selenga TB Dispensary (head doctor – Olga Zhucheva, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Buryatia), will create comfortable conditions for 125 TB patients of the dispensary. During recent years, tuberculosis rates have been growing in Kabansky Raion due not only to inadequate funding of this medical facility, but to the considerable air pollution by waste from Selenginsky Pulp and Cardboard Factory, the cement factory and other industrial plants. The average TB rate in the Republic of Buryatia is almost twice as higher than the national rate. According to Dr. Zhucheva, tuberculosis may be defined as an “illness of decline” when people lose their social status and are having trouble finding a job. Thus, better conditions in the dispensary will make recuperation and a return to normal life faster. Under this project, 175 energy-efficient light bulbs will be installed (most of the existing lamps do not work and are fire hazardous) in the building of the dispensary to improve conditions for patients and staff; 12 insulating glass units will replace old windows in the coldest department of the dispensary on the 4th floor (several additional windows will be replaced at the cost of raised funds); and energy-consumption will be monitored and documented for energy savings reinvestment decisions. This federal level dispensary services the whole of Kabansky Raion and also patients from other regions of the Republic of Buryatia and thus, issues related to the rational use of energy savings will be decided jointly with raion and the republic’s administrations. The director of the East-Siberia Regional Center of FSD, Vladimir Belogolovov, is a member of the Republic of Buryatia Council for Energy-Efficiency and, thus, the objectives of this project will be addressed in close interaction with this Council.

Emissions from Selenginsk Pulp and Cardboard Factory The dispensary’s head doctor demonstrates the fire hazardous windows New health-improving equipment was installed under one of the projects of the 5th Round
Director of Kindergarten # 33 in Svirsk, T.Bogdanova, shows windows that require replacement The FSD Code of Best Practices is discussed with the Mayor of Svirsk V.Alfyorov and NGO representatives Decayed windows in Selenginsk TB Dispensary Decayed doors in Kindergarten # 33, Svirsk
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