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News, December 2007.

The Fund for Sustainable Development Wins an Award in the 2007 Contest of Socially Significant Projects in Moscow

V. Tereshkova (left), Hero of the Soviet Union, first woman cosmonaut and chair of the Moscow Public Philanthropic Council, awards E. Bondarchuk, FSD projects manager

On December 16, 2007, at a prize-awarding ceremony in Moscow, the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) was named winner in the 2007 Contest of Socially Significant Projects in Moscow among the other 46 public organizations, participants in the city’s philanthropic activities.

The award was for FSD’s program Emotional Rehabilitation of Children in Need of Special Social Protection that was carried out jointly with its partner, the Ecological Education Center (director – T. Shpotova).

The program was aimed at creating conditions for the emotional rehabilitation of handicapped children, inmates of boarding schools in Moscow, with the use of innovative methods and approaches to emotional rehabilitation developed and tested in the process of working with children from Beslan, victims of the terrorist attack of September 2004.

Program activities were focused  on 5 sites in the city: the hematology unit of the Children’s Clinical Hospital; Boarding School # 8; the Child Personality Center (Novoye Kosino); School # 689; and in Darwin Museum, where innovative nature, ethno and art therapy techniques were handed over to teachers, parents and volunteers. In the course of 2.5 months alone, over 600 children and over 400 educators and parents were involved in the program.

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