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News. December 2010

The Fund for Sustainable Development presented its experience of joint projects with Russian and international businesses at the national conference “Territorial Development: Roles and Responsibilities of Businesses”

The national conference “Territorial Development: Roles and Responsibilities of Businesses” was organized on December 13, 2010 by Business and Society, a news and analytical journal, with support from ALCOA Foundation, Microsoft Company and the Russian State Humanitarian University.

According to a recent survey conducted by Bloomberg Global   Poll among 1,030 investors, analysts and traders, Russia is losing its investment attractiveness. The experts also expressed their concern over the increasing flight of capital from the country and the growing tax burden.

Nonetheless, responsible Russian businesses that promote development in regions of their presence by doing so encourage investment in these locations.

Artem Shadrin, Deputy Director of Strategic Management (Programs) and Budgeting Department of the RF Ministry for Economic Development, speaking at the conference, noted the important aspects of businesses’ participation in territorial development: ”When we talk about the roles and responsibilities of corporations in regions, we primarily refer to investment and this is absolutely justified. Nothing helps to overcome poverty better than economic growth! Increasing attention is being focused on the social aspects of the operation of businesses. Eventually, they begin making greater contributions to addressing social issues. We are talking here about three-party partnerships among businesses, regional authorities and non-profit organizations.” For more details please refer to www.b-soc.ru

Oleg Fokin, executive director, and Elena Bondarchuk, projects manager, of the Fund for Sustainable Development presented the results of projects fulfilled by FSD in 2005-2010.

At the workshop “Public Private Partnerships: Territorial Development Mechanisms”, Oleg Fokin described the successful experience of FSD cooperation with such companies as SUAL, EuroChem, TNK-BP, BP, Citi and UT within the framework of the Global Development Alliance (GDA) effort.

The Global Development Alliance is an initiative of the United States International Development Agency to support international public private partnership programs. Oleg Fokin stressed that this mechanism allows to structure efficient partnerships and to significantly increase the value of financing and the success of joint programs.

Elena Bondarchuk, in her paper “Local Social Partnerships: Concrete Examples of ALCOA and Citi Programs in Russia” spoke about the key outcomes of programs carried out by FSD in collaboration with Citi Foundation and ALCOA Foundation in 2007-2010 and noted that precisely  NGOs are capable of effectively interacting with local businesses and government, thus  helping to form viable social partnerships that promote territorial development.

The national conference “Territorial Development: Roles and Responsibilities of Businesses” that took place in Moscow on December 13, 2010, was attended by over 60 representatives of businesses, non-profit organizations, the mass media, government and the expert community
Oleg Fokin made a presentation “FSD Experience in Working with EuroChem and SUAL Companies under the Global Development Alliance Mechanism” in which he stressed that this mechanism significantly increases the value of financing and the success of joint programs
Elena Bondarchuk provided an account of the key results of programs carried out by FSD in collaboration with Citi Foundation and ALCOA Foundation and noted that precisely NGOs are capable of effectively interacting with local businesses and government, thus helping to form viable social partnerships that promote territorial development
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