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News. October, 2009

The Fund for Sustainable Development organizes a seminar “Decision Support Tools for Rational Natural Resources Management” in partnership with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN*)

A. Grigoryev, IUCN expert makes a presentation entitled: “St.Petersburg Declaration: Current Status and Implementation Prospects”

Yu.Yeldyshev, deputy chief editor of the journal Ecology and Life and author of the article “To See the Forest Behind the Trees” pruinted in the 10th issue of the journal (2009), expresses his opinion about the role of the mass media in publicizing forest management issues in Russia in connection with the new Forest Code

M.Khabarov, consultant of the Department for Environmental Protection and Nature Management of Yaroslavl Region, speaks about problems facing protected areas management in the region

The seminar took place in Moscow on October 27, 2009 and was devoted to a discussion of two IUCN projects fulfilled in Russia in 2007-2009:

  1. Translating Declaration into Action: Maintaining Momentum of the St.Petersburg Declaration within the Context of Russia’s New Forest Code
  2. Translating Declaration into Action: Maintaining Momentum of the St.Petersburg Declaration within the Context of Russia’s New Forest Code

Both projects were carried out with financial support from the BBI-MATRA Project of the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

The goal of the first project was to introduce sustainable forest management systems, assist local community development and promote civic initiatives.

This project included support and promotion of civic initiatives in the areas of developing and adopting local ordinances and action plans for forest management.

The second project involved a study of the current status of ecosystems and protected species and also an improvement of policies in the sphere of managing and developing protected areas that are an inseparable element of an ecological framework and also a source of subsistence for  local communities.

Presentations at the seminar were made by experts in forest management, representatives of environmental media outlets, small forest businesses, protected areas, officials from the nature management and environmental protection departments of the administrations of Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions, and the staff of the Fund for Sustainable Development.

The resolutions of the seminar will be conveyed to the regional administrations to assist decisions on upgrading the system of managing regional protected areas.

IUCN (International Union de Conservation de Naturen) – is an international non-profit organization promoting biodiversity preservation and compiling lists of species in need of protection. IUCN, which was founded in 1948 and has its headquarters in Glan (Switzerland), unites 82 countries (Russia is represented by its Ministry of Natural Resources), 111 government agencies, over 800 non-governmental organizations and over 10,000 scientists from 181 countries. It has been assigned the status of a UN Permanent Observer at the General Assembly.

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