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News. August 2008.

The Fund for Sustainable Development Supports the National Action “Health Wave” that Unites Over a Million People in Russia Pursuing Healthy Lifestyles

The Third National Public Information and Health Promotion Action “Health Wave” scheduled for August and aimed at popularizing and introducing innovative health-improvement technologies and helping children suffering from congenital heart disease and vision and hearing disorders was carried out on board of the motor ship Yu.Nikulin  by the best   specialists of the country’s leading medical centers. Along the ship’s route Moscow-Perm-Samara on rivers Volga and Kama, the doctors visited the cities of Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary and Nizhnekamsk. They were joined by leaders of major public organizations of Russia from 20 regions. Representatives of the Fund for Sustainable Development also took part in the event.

Under this medical program, children were received and examined by doctors from Bakulev Cardiovascular Surgery Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Research and Clinical Otorhinolaryngological Center, and Academician Fyodorov Research and Technology Complex “Eye Microsurgery”.
The “Health Wave” was part of the Russia without Tobacco National Public Program of the National Health League, Russia’s largest public organization. On the motor ship Yu. Nikulin, the campaign for collecting signatures against smoking in Russia was officially launched by the president of this organization Leo Bokeria;  Russian Federation Chief State Health Inspector and  RF Duma Member Gennady Onishchenko; First Deputy of United Russia Faction Chairman Tatiana Yakovleva; Deputy Chairman of RF State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Alexander Bednov M.D.; Professor of the Russian Oncology Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Lyovushkin; and Rector of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Alexei Gerasev. The Program calls for the adoption by the RF State Duma of an administrative program against tobacco smoking in the country, banning all tobacco ads and introducing punishment under criminal law for selling tobacco products to minors.

In the cities on the route of the motor ship, public hearings - The Role and Place of Civil Society Institutes in Health Preservation and Strengthening and in Forming Healthy Lifestyles in the Context of the Key Goals, Areas and Activities of the Year of Family - were attended by representatives of regional Public Chambers, federal and regional legislative and executive government agencies, and public organizations.

In these cities, conferences and exhibitions of social projects – winners of the 2007 National Health League Grant Contest were also organized. The Fund for Sustainable Development presented its project proposed for the current contest of 2008: Male Health Culture (devoted to the medical and social, organizational and cultural and educational aspects of male health as a factor of national security) prepared jointly with FSD partners from Bashkiria State Medical University.

Elena Bondarchuk, FSD Manager, presented the Fund’s projects and programs at social projects exhibitions held in cities located
along the motor ship route - Cheboksary, Nizhnekamsk, Perm and Samara

In all cities where the motor ship stopped, the participants in the action received a warm welcome with bread and salt and songs and dances!

In cities along the motor ship route, free examinations were offered to children by specialists from Bakulev Cardiovascular Surgery Research Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Research and Clinical Otorhinolaryngological Center, and Academician Fyodorov Research and Technology Complex “Eye Microsurgery”

A performance of young actors of the project Peace Drums who took an active part in the Health Wave Action

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