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News. May, 2010

Fifth International Conference in Yasnaya Polyana

The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Environmentally Sustainable Development. Rational Use of Natural Resources” was held in Tula at the Leo Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana Memorial Estate.

The participating organizations included the Russia Environmental Policy and Culture Center  National Public Organization (Tula branch); the Russian Federation Public Chamber Commission on Environmental Policy and Conservation; University of Bern (Switzerland);  Centre for Development and Environment (Bern, Switzerland); School of Graduate Studies in Hospitality Management and Tourism ( Czestochowa, Poland); Kazimierz Wielki University (Bydgoszcz, Poland); Tula State University; Ecology and Culture, an independent non-profit association; Tula Regional Youth Environmental Union; and Leo Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana Memorial Estate.

Such conferences have been organized annually for the past five years, with FSD staff (program director R.Butovsky and projects manager E.Milanova) taking an active part in 2009 and 2010. FSD is a partner of the Tula Branch of the Russia Environmental Policy and Culture Center.

The conference was devoted to such essential issues as modern ecology and sustainable development, sustainable development indicators, energy-efficiency and resource saving, innovative technologies in environmental and public health, environmental culture and the cultural/natural heritage, rational use of natural resources, and the role of the media in increasing awareness about environmental issues.

A collection of works based on the materials of the conference will be published.

The article “Fifth. International. Anniversary” printed in the newspaper Ecology and Culture (No.3 (9), 2010), which provides a detailed account of the history of this annual event held in Yasnaya

Polyana, will be placed in FSD electronic journal.

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