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News, December 2006

The results of the program Environmental and Public Health in Regions of the Aluminum Complex Presence have been summarized.

Official opening of the Conference. Members of the presidium (from left to right):
V.Mudel, head of Segezhsky Municipal District;
N.Chekanova, head of Nadvoitsy settlement;
M.Shingarkin, director of the Citizen Public Fund;
Yu.Moiseyev, general director of Nadvoitsy Aluminum Plant
O. Fedoseyeva, head of SUAL’s Government Relations Department

The results of the Environmental and Public Health in Regions of the Aluminum Complex Presence Program were presented on December 14, at the Socio-Environmental Activities in the Republic of Karelia Conference held in the settlement of Nadvoitsy, Segezhsky raion (Republic of Karelia). This Program - which  was carried out  in 2005-2006 by the Fund for Sustainable Development in three pilot regions: the city of Kamensk-Uralsky  (Sverdlovskaya Oblast), the city of Shelekhov (Irkutsk Oblast) and the settlement of Nadvoitsy and the city of Segezha, Segezhsky raion ( Republic of Karelia) -  was part of a joint program of SUAL Holding and the United States Agency for International Development «Self-Government Reform and Social and Economic Development in Regions of SUAL Holding Presence”

Project implementers from Nadvoitsy and representatives of the community, local government, the Nadvoitsy Aluminum Plant, SUAL-Holding, Fund for Sustainable Development, Fund “Citizen” and residents of the settlement took part in the work of the Conference.

The presentations of guests, implementers of the Program in the cities of Shelekhov and Kamensk-Uralsky, evoked much interest. Local activists believe that the experience of these regions may be successfully utilized in Karelia.

Among the most successful projects carried out in Nadvoitsy were “My Pretty Smile”, aimed at improving dental health of the children who live in this settlement, and “Organizing a Folk Crafts Center for the Social Rehabilitation and Adaptation of the Disabled”.

A special children’s dental office was opened in the hospital in Nadvoitsy. It was provided with modern equipment and materials that include a filling material Fissurit that does not contain fluoride. A communications campaign was launched among the children and their parents who received leaflets and booklets with dental care guidelines. The staff of the hospital organized over 30 interviews with parents and delivered 9 lectures on this topic.

Training of children in the area of oral hygiene is continuing in the local child care centers and elementary school: a total of 672 children underwent examinations, 121 children were taught to take care of their teeth, and over 300 children were treated by a dentist.

A year after the beginning of this project, an examination   of over 70 children conducted by Dr. Kuzmina, professor at the Dental Disease Prevention Department of the Moscow Medical and Dental University,  has shown a significant improvement of the condition of their tooth enamel and general dental health that has been achieved as a result of professional preventative activities of this project.

As a result of the project “Organizing a Folk Crafts Center for the Social Rehabilitation and Adaptation of the Disabled”, a Folk Crafts Center was set up at Boarding School # 14. The teachers of this school who attended a training course under the guidance of S.Fetulina in traditional arts and crafts taught by the craftsmen of Charna settlement in Pryazhinsky raion and are now successfully instructing their pupils in these skills. The Center includes such groups as basket weaving, wood painting, fabric weaving, and creation of folk toys. The boys are especially interested in the ship-modeling group. The creative atmosphere of the Center helps the pupils learn a trade and is, thus, giving them a chance to find their place in adult life. Apart from the children, pensioners from Nadvoitsy settlement also attend these groups.

The works of children attending the Center will be shown at a specially organized exhibition in Petrozavodsk during New Year’s holidays from December 27, 2006 to January 5, 2007 as part of an event entitled “Nadvoitsy Week in Karelia”. The young residents of Nadvoitsy will visit the exhibition during their trip to Petrozavodsk to a Christmas party that will be made possible thanks to the care and support they are receiving from the Nadvoitsy Aluminum Plant.

Project completion does not mean that all activities come to an end. A Community Development Fund  founded in Nadvoitsy is targeted toward ensuring the sustainability of the project’s initiatives and raising funds for continuing earlier and implementing new social projects that further will improve the living conditions of the local residents.

Dr. Kuzmina, professor at the Dental Disease Prevention Department of the Moscow Medical and Dental University, speaks about the results of the project “My Pretty Smile” S.Zabelin, co-chairman of the Russian Socio-Ecological Union’s Council greets the attendees of the Conference


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