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News.November, 2009

25th FSD Regional Support Center Seminar in Khabarovsk

The key goal of the 25th FSD Regional Support Center Seminar, which took place on November 13, 2009, in Khabarovsk right after the Amur Initiative Program Seminar, was to summarize the results of activities carried out in 2008-2009 and to discuss the 2009-2010 Work Plan of the components of the Community Development Support Program: grantmaking, results monitoring and assessment, disseminating the publication of the “Best Program Practices”, and organizing a round table discussion on social partnership.

Special attention at the seminar was focused on the role of RC in the future activities of FSD, in particular, in the further development of the NGO partnership network in Russia with the aim of facilitating the replication of acquired experience in energy-saving, environmentally sustainable development and the prevention of the consequences and threats of climate change.

FSD Regional Centers function in close interaction with local governments and communities and, thus, their role is especially important considering the support provided to NGOs by the RF President and Government. RC have the capacity to involve citizens in various contest programs, monitoring non-budget projects and public expertise of regional investment projects.

The decisions of the seminar point to the need of establishing closer cooperation among the network of FSD partnership centers involving them in raising funds and writing proposals for prospective programs in such spheres as energy-efficiency and development of municipal energy facilities with the use of alternative energy resources; adaptation to climate change; environmentally responsible business development; support to protected areas; and conservation of natural resources.   


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