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News. December, 2009

Fund for Sustainable Development has performed as one of the organizers of the IV All-Russian Conference “Social partnership and development of the civil society institutes. The experience of regions and municipalities”.

300 participants from all over Russia took part in the conference on December 11, 2009 organized by the RF Ministry of Economic Development (RF MED) in Moscow. Since 2006 RF MED is supporting Community Development Support Program (CDSP), funded by USAID and implemented by FSD in 40 municipalities of RF, primarily in Russian Far East and at Northern Caucasus republics. The Program is targeted to the sustainable development of local communities via practical solution of economic, energy efficiency, social and environmental problems.

In the frame of the Conference FSD organized a Round Table discussion, based on the main results of CDSP, “The regional practices of social partnership and inter-sector interrelationship” which attracted attention and collected 1/3 part  the conference participants. The publication CDSP Best Practices Collection was presented to the participants of the conference and the Round table.


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