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News. June, 2007.

FSD representative participated at the Forum “Charity in Russian Regions: Problems and Trends for Development”

The Forum took place in Sankt-Peterburg, 22.06.2007. About 250 representatives of 3 sectors from 50 subjects of RF participated in the Forum, and more than 15 mass-media widely covered the event.
FSD shared experience of introduction Star Communities Initiatives Program model in more than 20 communities in Russia: Russian Far East, Baikal region, the Urals, Privolzhsky Okrug and North Caucasus.
The Program is based on “consortium approach” for communities sustainable development through strengthening inter-sectoral cooperation, introduction of energy efficiency technologies, designing and testing mechanism of reinvestment energy saving into participatory solving communities eco-social problems based on grass-roots initiatives.

Opening Session of the Forum (from right to left): Shadrin A.-Ministry of Economy Development and trade; Bindar L. – Committee under the Council of Federation on constitutional legislation, plenipotentiary of Public Chamber of RF; Glebova L.- Ministry of Public Health and Social Development; Gusev P.- Public Chamber of RF, Commission on communication and information policy; Ochirova A. – Public Chamber of RF, Commission on Social Development; Zelkova L.- Potanin Fund.  Bondarchuk E. – FSD (Moscow), and S.Pleshshakov- partner FSD NGO- Zeleny Dom (Khabarovsk) - before Discussion session “Efficient Tools for inter-sectoral cooperation in Charity”.


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