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News. September 2008.

An energy-efficiency project in Kindergarten # 2 in Nevelsk is successfully completed

In 2007-2008, the Fund for Sustainable Development  in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) and with financial support from BP Corporation fulfilled the Energy Efficiency for Local Communities on Sakhalin Island Program. Under this Program, an energy-efficiency project was implemented in Kindergarten # 2 in the city of Nevelsk named “Zhuravushka”, which in the summer of 2007 suffered a devastating earthquake.  Only one of the city’s three  kindergartens had survived, but it required a major overhaul. FSD, jointly with ISC and in agreement with BP, the project’s sponsor, provided funds for replacing old worn-out window frames in this kindergarten with new plastic ones with better insulating properties. The municipal government, which received these funds, was able to replace 16 window frames and, thus, prepare the premises of one group of the kindergarten for the winter season, while the remaining windows were upgraded using locally raised funds. The kindergarten was also fully renovated. Despite the general disaster, local volunteers helped to prepare the kindergarten for hosting children. Today, this childcare facility has lower heating costs and better indoor conditions, due to which the number of respiratory illness cases among children will decrease considerably. The municipal government will further develop this initiative by introducing energy-saving techniques in social sphere institutions. FSD is also planning to involve the staff of the communal services enterprices and energy-efficiency specialists of Nevelsk in regular educational events that are organized with support from the Fund.

Kindergarten # 2 “Zhuravushka” before (left) and after the windows were replaced
and the building was refurbished



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